michsch / Frontenddevelopment-Resources

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Frontend Development Resources

Documentations and specifications

Basic infos about CSS and HTML

Basics about JavaScript

JavaScript libraries



German Accessibility Ressources

Responsive Webdesign

Browser-specific informations

Single articles of importance


Compatibility tables

Cheat sheets

CSS3 click & run

  • css3.mikeplate.com - border-radius, box-shadow, text-shadow, transforms, columns, gradients, border, outline, multiple backgrounds
  • CSS3Maker - border-radius, gradients, transforms, animations, transition, rgba, text-shadow, box-shadow, text-rotation, @font-face
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Colorzilla Gradient Editor - Create your gradients just like your browser and grab the code. The tool produces the final W3C-syntax and can create filters for the older IE and an SVG for IE9.
  • i2Style - create buttons with CSS3 inside your browser with ease


Guides and coding standards

Demos and experiments


Sass and Compass

Webfonts and Iconfonts
