michiewillman / campaire-app

Application that uses Web APIs to compare air quality indexes from a user's location and serves camping site recommendations.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CampAire | Air Quality + Camping Application


This application was designed as a response to the University of Oregon's Coding Bootcamp Project 1. It was a collaborative assignment where the members of a given group were required to develop a real-world interactive application that utilizes at least two server-side APIs, a CSS framework other than Bootstrap, a polished UI, and client-side storage. Using Agile software development, our team worked together to create a fully functioning application that met all of the criteria of our given prompt, as well as addresses the crisis of finding outdoor areas of recreation in a world with increasingly poor air quality due to global warming and other negative environmental impacts.

User Story

AS someone who likes to camp in the pacific northwest,
I WANT an application that measures the air quality of a location and suggests nearby campsites if the air quality is good enough
SO THAT I can plan to camp in an area with clean air.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN an air quality dashboard with a form input
WHEN I input a zip code,
THEN I am given the zip codes's current air quality.
WHEN there is good enough air quality in the area,
THEN I am presented with a list of 5 nearby campgrounds within a given distance.
WHEN The air quality is not good enough in my own zip code,
THEN I am presented with a list of the next-closest campgrounds in other zip codes.
WHEN I click on a listed campground,
THEN I am directed to its Google-listed website for more information.
WHEN There are not any zip codes within the set distance with good enough air quality,
THEN I am presented with a message telling me that I should not go camping at all.

Technologies Used

  • AirVisual API
  • Google Maps API
  • Fomantic UI CSS Framework
  • jQuery


  • Michie Willman
  • Dusty Brigsby
  • Quinn Sargent
  • Ethan Gill

Directions for Future Development

Suggestions for Additional Features:

  • Get user location from their IP address (“Use My Location” button)
  • Add option for user to select the search distance of campsites from location entered
  • Include more weather condition information beyond just AQI
    • Visibility conditions - good for hiking
    • Option to check for specific date
    • UV index - suggest to wear sunscreen
  • Add 7-Day AQI forecast (Requires ‘Enterprise’ plan of AirVisual API)
  • Add popular hike trailheads in the chosen area
  • Add map that includes air quality zones


The following image shows the web application's appearance and functionality:

A screenshot of CampAire, the air quality and campsite application that measures the air quality of a zipcode and provides nearby campsites if the air quality is good enough to camp.

CampAire application search results for an area with good air quality.

CampAire application search results for an area with poor air quality.


Click here to view the deployed application.

Click here to view the code repository.

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Application that uses Web APIs to compare air quality indexes from a user's location and serves camping site recommendations.


Language:JavaScript 45.7%Language:HTML 42.1%Language:CSS 12.2%