michelegalasso / automag

Automatic search for the most stable magnetic state of a given structure

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An automatic workflow software for calculating the ground collinear magnetic state of a given structure and for estimating the critical temperature of the magnetically ordered to paramagnetic phase transition.


Automag is meant to be run on a computing cluster. The first step in the installation is to clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/michelegalasso/automag.git

I assume that you have Python 3 installed on your system, accessible through the python command, with the wheel and the venv packages installed. After cloning, go to the automag directory which has appeared and initialize a Python virtual environment

cd automag
python -m venv .venv

After that, activate your virtual environment. If you are working on an Unix-like system, you can do it with the command

source .venv/bin/activate

Finally, you need to install all the necessary Python dependencies for Automag with the command

pip install -r requirements.txt

Before using Automag, make sure that enumlib is installed on your system and that that your command line has access to the commands enum.x and makeStr.py. In addition, Automag needs to know how to use VASP, so you need to edit the file automag/ase/run_vasp.py for Automag to correctly load the MKL and MPI libraries (if needed) and call the vasp_std executable on your system. Then add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file

export VASP_SCRIPT=/PATH/TO/automag/ase/run_vasp.py
export AUTOMAG_PATH=/PATH/TO/automag

obviously replacing /PATH/TO with the actual path to these files or directories. The pp folder is the VASP pseudopotential library and it should contain two subfolders named, respectively, potpaw_LDA and potpaw_PBE.

Before starting to use Automag, you should also make sure to have the FireWorks library correctly pointing to a MongoDB database and configured for launching jobs through a queue management system (for more detailed information refer to the FireWorks documentation). Last but not least, open the file automag/common/SubmitFirework.py and edit line 23 with the location of your my_launchpad.yaml file. Now you are ready to use Automag.

Convergence tests

When studying a magnetic structure, you may want to start from convergence tests. Automag allows you to check for convergence of the VASP parameter ENCUT, which is the energy cut-off of the plane wave basis set, and to simultaneously check for convergence of the two parameters SIGMA and kpts, which are the electronic smearing parameter and the k-mesh resolution parameter for Brillouin zone sampling, respectively.

In order to run convergence tests, go to the folder 0_conv_tests and insert the following input parameters in the file input.py:

  • mode can be "encut" for convergence tests with respect to ENCUT or "kgrid" for convergence tests with respect to SIGMA and kpts;
  • poscar_file is the name of the file in POSCAR format which contains the input geometry and which has been put in the folder automag/geometries;
  • params is a collection of VASP parameters to be used during single-point energy calculations.

In addition, the following optional parameters can be specified:

  • magnetic_atoms contains the atomic types to be considered magnetic (defaults to transition metals);
  • configuration is the magnetic configuration to use for convergence tests (defaults to ferromagnetic high-spin);
  • encut_values contains the trial values for ENCUT (defaults to the interval [500, 1000] eV at steps of 10 eV);
  • sigma_values contains the trial values for SIGMA (defaults to the interval [0.05, 0.20] eV at steps of 0.05 eV);
  • kpts_values contains the trial values for kpts (defaults to the interval [20, 100] A^-1 at steps of 10 A^-1).

Once you have inserted the input parameters in the file input.py, launch the script 1_submit.py using the python executable of your virtual environment and a number of workflows containing single-point VASP calculations will be saved in your remote database. These calculations need to be run in a separate directory called CalcFold. You can enter it and then submit the jobs with the following commands, being in the automag directory

cd CalcFold
nohup qlaunch -r rapidfire -m 10 --nlaunches=infinite &

This will enter the directory CalcFold and it will invoke the qlaunch command in the background, which constantly checks for new calculations in the remote database and submits them to the queue management system of your cluster. The command line option -m 10 means that qlaunch will allow a maximum number of 10 jobs to be in the queue of your system at the same time. If 10 or more jobs are waiting or running in your queue, qlaunch will not submit more jobs until their total number becomes less than 10. If you wish, you can change this parameter to a different number. In the following, I assume that the qlaunch process is always working in the background.

After all calculations have been completed, you can launch the script named 2_plot_results.py in the 0_conv_tests folder. It will read the output file that Automag wrote in CalcFold and it will produce a plot of the parameters under study versus energy. In addition, the script will also print on screen the values of the parameters under study for which the error in energy is less than 1 meV/atom with respect to the most accurate result.

Calculation of the electronic correlation parameter U by linear response

The linear response formalism for the calculation of the Hubbard U is based on the application of a series of small perturbations to the first magnetic atom. During the whole process, the perturbed atom must be treated independently from the other atoms of the same species, and we achieve this using a simple trick: we change the chemical identity of the atom to which we want to apply perturbations to a dummy atomic species, but we place the POTCAR file of the original atomic species in the pp folder corresponding to the dummy atom. For example, if we are calculating the value of the Hubbard U for Fe in the system Fe12O18 and we choose Zn as dummy atom, we need to ensure that the same POTCAR file of Fe is used also for Zn in order to have, instead of Zn, a Fe atom that is treated independently from the others. This can be achieved with the following commands

cd $VASP_PP_PATH/potpaw_PBE/Zn
cp ../Fe/POTCAR .

In this way the Automag code, and in particular the ASE library, will treat the system as if it was ZnFe11O18, but when they will look for the POTCAR file in the Zn folder, they will find the POTCAR of Fe, so the system will remain Fe12O18. Before launching this calculation, go to the directory 1_lin_response and set the necessary parameters in the file input.py:

  • poscar_file is the name of the file in POSCAR format which contains the input geometry and which has been put in the folder automag/geometries;
  • dummy_atom is the name of the dummy atomic species to use for the atom which is subject to perturbations (do not forget to manually put the right POTCAR file in the pp folder for this atom);
  • dummy_position is the position of the dummy atom in your POSCAR file (from 0 to N - 1, where N is the number of atoms in the unit cell);
  • perturbations contains the values of the perturbations to apply to the chosen atom in eV;
  • params is a collection of VASP parameters to be used during single-point energy calculations.

In addition, the following optional parameters can be specified:

  • magnetic_atoms contains the atomic types to be considered magnetic (defaults to transition metals);
  • configuration is the magnetic configuration to use for U calculation (defaults to ferromagnetic high-spin).

Once the input parameters have been inserted in the file input.py, you can launch the script 1_submit.py in order to save the necessary VASP jobs to the remote database. You will see that the instance of qlaunch which is running in the background will immediately send these jobs to the queue management system of your cluster. When all calculations are completed, you will find in CalcFold the file charges.txt, containing the amount of electrons on the partially occupied shell of the chosen atom for each value of the applied perturbation, for both the selfconsistent and the non-selfconsistent runs. Now you can execute the script 2_plot_results.py, which will plot the selfconsistent and the non-selfconsistent responses, it will interpolate them as straight lines to the least squares and it will calculate their slopes. The value of U is obtained from U = 1/X - 1/X0, where X and X0 are the selfconsistent and the non-selfconsistent slopes, respectively.

Search for the most stable magnetic state

The search for the ground collinear magnetic state consists in generating a number of trial configurations and in computing their single-point energy, in order to determine which is the most thermodynamically stable. The trial configurations differ from each other only by the choice of the unit cell and by the initialization of the magnetic moments. Note that the value of the magnetic moment on each atom can change during the single-point energy calculation. Automag generates trial configurations by separately initializing each Wyckoff position occupied by magnetic atoms in a ferromagnetic (FM), antiferromagnetic (AFM) or non magnetic (NM) fashion, taking into account all possible combinations. A completely non-magnetic (NM) configuration is also generated. In this way, overall ferrimagnetic (FiM) states are allowed if the magnetic atoms occupy more than one Wyckoff position. For each magnetic atom, one or two absolute values for the magnetization can be given in input. In the first case, the given value is used for initializing all the spin-up and spin-down states in the configurations generated by Automag. Conversely, if two separate values are given for high-spin (HS) and low-spin (LS) states, then each Wyckoff position occupied by that magnetic atom is separately initialized in a HS or LS fashion, taking into account all possible combinations. In order to run such a calculation, go to the directory 2_coll and set the necessary input parameters in the file input.py:

  • poscar_file is the name of the file in POSCAR format which contains the input geometry and which has been put in the folder automag/geometries;
  • supercell_size is the maximum supercell size for generating distinct magnetic configurations, in multiples of the input structure;
  • spin_values a maximum of two values (HS and LS) of the magnetization in Bohr magnetons for each magnetic atom, used to initialize spin-up and spin-down states;
  • params is a collection of VASP parameters to be used during single-point energy calculations.

In addition, the following optional parameter can be specified:

  • lower_cutoff is the minimum value in Bohr magnetons to which a magnetic moment can fall in order for the corresponding configuration to be used for estimating the critical temperature of the material (defaults to zero).

Once the input parameters have been inserted in the file input.py, you can launch the script 1_submit.py in order to save the necessary VASP jobs to the remote database. The running instance of qlaunch will send these jobs to the queue management system of your cluster. Once all calculations have been completed, you can launch the script 2_plot_results.py which will produce a number of files containing the histogram plot of the obtained energies for all trial configurations that successfully completed the single-point energy calculation. The script also prints on screen the name of the configuration with lowest energy.

Calculation of the critical temperature

Automag can calculate the critical temperature of the magnetically ordered to paramagnetic phase transition from a Monte Carlo simulation of the effective Hamiltonian which describes the magnetic interaction. Automag computes the coupling constants of the corresponding Heisenberg model and provides all the necessary input files to run the Monte Carlo simulation with the VAMPIRE software package. The simulation itself needs to be run by the user, while Automag can be used to plot and to fit the results. The accuracy of the Heisenberg model is evaluated by computing the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) between the DFT energies and the predicted energies of a control group of magnetic configurations. It is worth noting that this approach can be applied only if all magnetic atoms have the same absolute value of the magnetization. In order to estimate the critical temperature with Automag, go to the folder 3_monte_carlo and set the necessary parameters in the file input.py:

  • configuration is the name of the magnetic configuration to use for the Monte Carlo simulation (usually you want to put here the name of the configuration with lowest energy, obtained at the previous step);
  • cutoff_radius is the maximum distance between two magnetic atoms to be considered as interacting neighbors;
  • control_group_size is the relative size of the control group used to evaluate the accuracy of the Heisenberg model;
  • append_coupling_constants is a boolean flag which tells Automag whether or not to append the computed values of the coupling constants to the file input.py, which are needed by the script 2_write_vampire_ucf.py.

In addition, the following optional parameter can be specified:

  • magnetic_atoms contains the atomic types to be considered magnetic (defaults to transition metals).

Once the input parameters have been inserted in the file input.py, you can launch the script 1_coupling_constants.py. It will compute the coupling constants for the given cutoff radius and it will print their values on screen. In addition, it will create a file model.png, which contains a plot of the Heisenberg model energies versus the DFT energies for all the configurations in the control group. The values of the distances between neighbors, the amounts of neighboring pairs of magnetic atoms in the unit cell at each distance and the value of the PCC are also printed on screen.

We suggest to run the script 1_coupling_constants.py a couple of times with the append_coupling_constants flag set to False and with different values of the cutoff_radius, in order to investigate how many neighbors you need to include for obtaining a well-converged Heisenberg model. Once you are satisfied with the model's accuracy, run the script a last time with the append_coupling_constants flag set to True and Automag will append the values of the coupling constants and the distances between neighbors to the file input.py. Now you are ready to run the script 2_write_vampire_ucf.py, which will read the file input.py and will produce a VAMPIRE unit cell file vamp.ucf. Now you can run VAMPIRE on your cluster using the unit cell file written by Automag, an input file and a material file specific for your problem. Automag contains a sample input file and a sample material file in the folder 3_monte_carlo/vampire_input, which can be simply edited and adapted to the problem under study. Once the VAMPIRE run is done, you can copy the output file in the folder 3_monte_carlo and run the last script 3_plot_results.py. It will produce a plot of the mean magnetization length (of the spin-up channel for antiferromagnetic materials) versus temperature obtained from the Monte Carlo simulation and it will fit the data using the analytical expression of the mean magnetization length, obtaining the values of the critical temperature and of the critical exponent. The fitted values of these two parameters are printed on screen.


Automatic search for the most stable magnetic state of a given structure

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%