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Hi πŸ‘‹, I'm Michael Troger, Android Developer!

I'm working as a Senior Software Engineer at adidas Digital Sports, where I work on Adidas apps as well as on in-house libraries. Please note that is a private account so opinions expressed don't represent adidas.

I have a Master's degree in Mobile Computing and I'm an expert on the Android platform. I have however also a broad unterstanding of web technologies. I have several years of experience in international Scrum teams.

In course of my studies, different jobs and freetime projects I was able to gain experience in a broad field of IT and media. To name some examples I engaged with things like frontend and backend web development, game development, computer graphics and computer vision, machine learning, augmented reality, augmented virtuality and computer hardware consulting. While I have a basic knowledge of media design (I earned my Bachelor in Media Technology and Media Design), my strength and interests clearly lie in the technical field.

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Tech stack:

Kotlin Android Git IntelliJ IDEA Jira Confluence Bitbucket Gradle Jenkins MySQL Linux

I was lucky to try many more technologies (e.g. JavaScript, C#, C++, Unity, Python, Scala, Node.js) in different projects, but the technologies above I'm currently most confident with. From my experience a good developer can handle learning a new programming language or tool rather quickly since the concepts are mostly similar.


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About me: GitHub profile of Michael Troger