michaelsauter / config

Minimal terminal configuration. Installs basic packages, ZSH and tmux.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Minimal terminal configuration. Installs basic packages, zsh and tmux.


git clone https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-shell.git ~/.config/base16-shell
git clone https://github.com/martinlindhe/base16-iterm2 ~/.config/base16-iterm2
git clone git@github.com:michaelsauter/config.git ~/.config/msauter


Files located at ~/.config/msauter/custom/sourced and ending in .zsh are autoloaded by .zshrc.

Files located at ~/.config/msauter/custom/linked are symlinked to $HOME by the ìnstall script.

All files in ~/.config/msauter/custom/sourced and ~/.config/msauter/custom/linked are ignored by git.


Create a ~/.gituser file for the right user:

  name = Michael Sauter
  email = my.email@example.com

SSH Agent

On MacOS, create the following .ssh/config:

Host *
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

iTerm Setup

In the preferences go to "Profiles > Colors" and under "Color Presets", click "Import ...". Then navigate to ~/.config/base16-iterm2/itermcolors. You can press Cmd+Shift+. to show hidden folders. Select base16-eighties-256.itermcolors, and then click on "Color Presets" and choose the new item base16-eighties-256.

To enable copying in tmux, check "Applications in terminal may access clipboard" in "General > Selections" to automatically copy text selected with the mouse while respecting panes.


Neovim is installed, but not configured. Please check out the nvim configuration.


Minimal terminal configuration. Installs basic packages, ZSH and tmux.


Language:Shell 100.0%