michaelnera / active_record_importer

An easy to setup and flexible importer for Ruby on Rails

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Supports only Rails 4 and 5

This gem helps you insert/update records easily. For now, it only accepts CSV file. This also helps you monitor how many rows are imported, and how many rows failed. This gem also allows you to easily import to any model with few configurations.

I'll release an update to enable this on background job.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'active_record_importer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install active_record_importer


For version 0.4.0

For the newest version (0.4.0), you don't have to create Import table/model and controller. I already fixed the errors when there's no Import table/model on version 0.3.0. You just need to add the acts_as_importable in your model you want to be importable, and you may now run:

User.import!(file: File.open(PATH_TO_FILE))

insert will be the default insert method for this If you want to use upsert or error_duplicate, define it in your importer options:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_importable insert_method: 'upsert',
                     find_options: [:email]

Or you may use in your console:

User.acts_as_importable insert_method: 'error_duplicate', find_options: ['email']

If you don't want to record the status of your import, you don't have to do the remaining steps

Create Import table/model

I'll add a generator on my next release

DB Migration:

class ActiveRecordImporterMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :imports do |t|
      t.attachment  :file
      t.attachment  :failed_file
      t.text        :properties
      t.string      :resource,           null: false
      t.integer     :imported_rows,      default: 0
      t.integer     :failed_rows,        default: 0

Add Import Model:

class Import < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Enumerize
  store :properties, accessors: %i(insert_method find_options batch_size)

  enumerize :insert_method,
            in: %w(insert upsert error_duplicate),
            default: :upsert

  has_attached_file :file
  has_attached_file :failed_file

  attr_accessor :execute_on_create

  validates :resource, presence: true
  validate :check_presence_of_find_options
  validates_attachment :file,
                       content_type: {
                           content_type: %w(text/plain text/csv)

  validates_attachment :failed_file,
                       content_type: {
                           content_type: %w(text/plain text/csv)

  # I'll add import options in the next major release
  # accepts_nested_attributes_for :import_options, allow_destroy: true
  ### THIS IS VERSION 0.2.1 and below
  def execute
    resource_class.import!(self, execute_on_create)

  ### THIS IS VERSION 0.2.1 and below
  def execute
    resource_class.import!(object: self, execute: execute_on_create)

  ### THIS IS VERSION 0.2.1 and below
  def execute!
    resource_class.import!(self, true)

  ### THIS IS VERSION 0.3.0
  def execute!
    resource_class.import!(object: self, execute: true)

  def resource_class

  def batch_size

  # Override this if you prefer have
  # private permissions or you have
  # private methods for reading files
  def import_file
    local_path?(file) ? file.path : file.url

  # Override this method if you have
  # private permissions or you have private methods
  # for reading/writing uploaded files
  def failed_file_path
    local_path?(failed_file) ? failed_file.path : failed_file.url


  def check_presence_of_find_options
    return if insert_method.insert?
    errors.add(:find_options, "can't be blank") if find_options.blank?

  def local_path?(f)
    File.exist? f.path

Add acts_as_importable to any ActiveRecord model to make it importable

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

You may also add import options:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_importable default_attributes: { first_name: 'Juan',
                                           last_name: 'dela Cruz' },
                     find_options: %i(email),
                     before_save: Proc.new { |user| user.password = 'temporarypassword123' }
                     after_save: Proc.new { |user| puts "THIS IS CALLED AFTER OBJECT IS SAVED" }

If you're using ActiveRecord::Store, you may import values to your accessors by including them in the configuration:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  store :properties, accessors: [:first_key, :second_key]

  acts_as_importable store_accessors: [:first_key, :second_key]

Add import form

This is a sample import HAML form:

    # resource is your Model name
    = f.input :resource
    # batch_size is useful for large csv file
    = f.input :batch_size
    # insert_methods: [:upsert, :insert, :error_on_duplicate]
    = f.input :insert_method, collection: insert_methods, class: 'form-control insert-method'
    # `find_options` are the list of columns you want to use to update a certain instance or
    # error when a duplicate is found. This is not required when your insert_method is `:insert`
    = f.input :find_options
    = f.input :file, as: :file,
      input_html: { accept: '.csv' }

You may also add some options from the SmarterCSV gem:

| Option                         |  Default
| :convert_values_to_metric      |  nil
| :value_converters              |  nil
| :remove_empty_values           |  false
| :comment_regexp                |  Regexp.new(/^#=>/)
| :force_utf8                    |  true
| :chunk_size                    |  500
| :col_sep                       |  ","


class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_importable csv_opts: {
                       chunk_size: 2000,
                       col_sep: '|',
                       convert_values_to_numeric: { only: [:age, :salary] }

I'll add more options SOON!

Create Imports Controller:

class ImportsController < ApplicationController

  def create
    @import = Import.create!(import_params)


  def import_params
    params.require(:import).permit(:file, :resource, :insert_method, :batch_size)

Run it via Rails Console:

File.open(PATH_TO_CSV_FILE) do |file|
  @import = Import.create!(
             resource: 'User',
             file: file,
             insert_method: 'upsert',
             find_options: 'first_name,last_name'

###REMINDER: Headers of your csv file should be formatted/transformed to column names of your IMPORTABLE model


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/michaelnera/active_record_importer. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.