michaelmior / xsystem-ng


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XSystem is a method to learn and represent syntactic patterns in datasets as data structures called XStructures. Once XSystem learns a collection of patterns, it can be used to perform several tasks like: automatic label assignment, where data items are assigned a class by comparing them to a library of known classes (written as Regexes or XStructures); finding syntactically similar content, where learned XStructures are compared to see if they are similar, and outlier detection, where a learned XStructure for a single item is compared to other XStructures to check that its structure is different.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  1. Java
  2. (Optional) Gradle.


Downloading source code

Enter the following command in your console to clone the repository.

$> git clone https://github.com/UCHI-DB/xsystem-ng.git

Adding the Wrapper JAR

Enter the following command in your console to add Gradle Wrapper JAR

$> gradle wrapper

Compiling and running tests

Since XSystem is a gradle project and you have already included a gradle wrapper, you do not need to install gradle to build and test the project. Instead, you can just:

$> ./gradlew build

Running Tests

And now to run the unit tests, run the following command!

$> ./gradlew test

Functionality of XSystem

The XSystem Inteface has been implemented by XSystemImplementation class. To use the methods, first create an instance of the XSystemImplementation class.

XSystemImplementation impl = new XSystemImplementation();

The methods available are as follows -

  • build method

Given lines(an ArrayList of String), the build method learns the line into a XStructure, and returns the XStructure.

XStructure xstruct = impl.build(lines); 
  • generate method

Given a XStructure pattern, and an integer n, the generate method returns an ArrayList of n random Strings generated from the pattern.

ArrayList<String> randomString = impl.generate(pattern, n); 
  • similarity method

Given two XStructures, x1 and x2 or given a XStructure pattern and a String str, this method returns the similarity score between the two.

double similarity = impl.similarity(x1, x2); 


double similarity = impl.similarity(pattern, str); 
  • match method

This method returns a boolean indicating whether XStructure pattern and regular expression Pattern regex match with each other or not.

boolean match = impl.match(pattern, regex); 
  • computeOutlierScore method

Computes the outlier score for a given string str, in the given XStructure pattern

double outlierScore = impl.computeOutlierScore(pattern, str); 
  • mergetwoXStructs method

Merges two XStructures x1 and x2.

XStructure merged = impl.mergetwoXStructs(x1, x2); 
  • mergeMultipleXStructs method

Merges a list (ArrayList) of XStructures xstructList

XStructure merged = impl.mergetwoXStructs(xstructList); 
  • learnXStructs method

Given an input CSV file/folder with path - inputPath, this method learns the XStructs for each column and stores in a specified JSON file path, outFile.

impl.learnXStructs(inputPath, outFile); 
  • readXStructswthType method

Given a JSON file/folder path inputJSONfolder, this method returns the list of pair XStructures and their corresponding datatype contained in it.

ArrayList<Pair<XStructure, String>> list = impl.readXStructswthType(inputJSONfolder); 
  • labelAssignwthRegex method

Given a regex-type CSV file/folder path sampleRegexFolderPath, assigns labels to a JSON file/folder of learned XStructs (path learnedXStructsJSONfolderpath) and outputs a CSV file whose path can be specified by the user - outFile

impl.labelAssignwthRegex(sampleRegexFolderPath, learnedXStructsJSONfolderpath, outFile); 
  • labelAssignmentwthXStruct method

Given a ArrayList of String inputs - lines, returns the computed label from a given JSON file/folder (path referenceFilePath) of learned XStructs

String label = impl.labelAssignmentwthXStruct(lines, referenceFilePath); 


  • Ipsita Mohanty
  • Raul Castro Fernandez

This XSystem implementation is based on this paper.




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