michaelmfzv / auto-volume-skill

Sets the volume level to auto

Repository from Github https://github.commichaelmfzv/auto-volume-skillRepository from Github https://github.commichaelmfzv/auto-volume-skill

Auto volume

Sets the volume after surounding noice level


This skill lets Mycroft deside when to use high, normal or low volume. Mycrofts keeps monitoring the mic level, and from that deside what volume level is right to use.

As it is not easy to know what is high and what is low noice level, the skill vil adap over time. The skill notise the higest and lowest messured level, and adjust acording to that.

The skill stops adjusting volume if another skill is using the speaker or if Mycroft himself is talking.

The skill can be activated og deactivatet by the command "Hey Mycroft, set auto volume off" or "Hey Mycroft, set auto volume on"


  • "Set auto volume on"
  • "Set auto volume off"
  • "Clear auto volume measurements"


Andreas Lorensen (@andlo)

Supported Devices

platform_mark1 platform_picroft


Daily Configuration




Sets the volume level to auto

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%