michaelleeallen / ui-components

A collections of React components.

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UI Components

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UI component library for producing HTML output from JSON configuration. This library is built with Facebook's React and Twitter Bootstrap.


This library contains many UI controls for building interactive UIs. You can use each component individually by including the main module and referencing off of that:

var Components = require('@scdhhs/ui-components');
var Field = Components.elements.field;

  <Field type="text" name="foo" label="Foo"/>,

See src/main.js for available components.

Using ES6 with babel you can simply do:

import {
} from '@scdhhs/ui-components';

  <Field type="text" name="foo" label="Foo"/>,

Rendering UI With Factory

One of the key benefits of this library is the ability to render complete UIs from JSON configuration files. To use this feature you must have a JSON configuration that follows our component schema, and pass that configuration to Components.factory method.

var Components = require('@scdhhs/ui-components');
var config = {
  type: "page",
  child: "test-form",
  config: {
    title: "Hello"
  components: {
    test-form: {
      type: "form",
      child: "test-field"
    test-field: {
      type: "field",
      config: {
        type: "text",
        name: "test",
        label: "Test"

var html = Components.factory(config);

React.render(html, myMountPoint);

Would render:

<section class="page">
    <div class="form-group">
      <label for="">Test</label>
      <input type="text" name="test" id="test-field"/>

Component Schema

Every UI component configuration must adhere to the same schema:

   * The type of component to render. Name will be all
   * lowercase.
   * @type {string}
  type: "component_type_string",
   * The key to the direct descendent of this component.
   * @type {string}
  child: "pointer_to_child_component",
   * The key to the next sibling of this component.
   * @type {string}
  next: "pointer_to_next_sibline_component",
   * If this is a top-level component that contains all others(e.g., page), then you must provide a binary tree of all sub components. Each component's key will be its "id" property, whatever that may be.
   * @type {object}
  components: { },
   * Any number of key/value pairs to be passed to the React component as props.
   * @type {object}
  config: { }


This project requires the following to be installed on your local machine:

After you have installed the prerequisite software you must clone this repo to your local machine. From the project root directory run the following:

$ npm install

If you recieve any errors try verifying that you have the latest version of npm installed: $ npm --version. You should have version ^2.7.4. If not, run $ npm install -g npm.


All components should be placed into their own .jsx file within the /src directory, and named using PascalCase. Mixins should also be placed into /src as well.

Compiling JSX and Building the Distributables

To run the build tasks manually you can issue the following command: $ npm run build.


This library uses karma and jasmine 2.0 for unit testing. In order to run the tests issue the the following command $ npm test. All unit tests should be placed in the /test/unit directory, and named according to the component being tested, e.g.: foo-spec.js for a component named Foo.jsx. All specs should include the suffix -spec in order to be picked up automatically by karma. You may use JSX syntax in your tests- they will be automagically converted to JS for you by karma.


A collections of React components.


Language:JavaScript 98.3%Language:CSS 1.3%Language:HTML 0.3%