michaelgv / fullstackwebdev

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Full Stack Web Development Guide

This is a work in progress guide to help teach you full stack web development, from start to finish. Feel to contribute. We use Jade templating engine, which compiles into static HTML.

Live Site

Adding Pages

Just create a new file in the views folder, ie: example.jade

Sample content:

extends ./layout.jade

block extrameta
    meta(name='description', content='Full Stack Web Development course made available online for free')

block briefintro
    h2 Let's get started
    p.lead You'll need to install a few bits of software to help us along our journey.

block level
        span.level-difficulty BEGINNER

block content
            h4.title Already have an IDE and NodeJS?
                You can [safely move onto the configuration part](configure_ide.html), but feel free to continue if you need a refresher.
        h3 Prerequisites
            You can also do **some markdown** in here

Dev Server

Run node devServer.js to run a live dev server on port *:9002

Build for production

Run node build.js and this will generate static HTML files.



Language:HTML 51.9%Language:CSS 31.0%Language:JavaScript 17.1%