michaelgenesini / Stones-environment

Deprecated | Front-end environment to build web applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stones front-end environment travis

stones framework

This is a Grunt workflow that help developer to build an Angular application with the power of Sass, Coffee, Jade. It also allows to test your application throw karma test.


Install dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/michaelgenesini/Stones-environment.git
$ npm install
$ bower install

Preview an app you have generated (with Livereload).

$ grunt serve

Run the unit tests for an app.

$ grunt test

Build an optimized, production-ready version of your app.

$ grunt

##Folder layout

File/folder Description
app/ Contains your Angular application’s code.
dist/ Contains the distributable output of your application. Deploy this to your server!
public/ This folder will be copied verbatim into the root of your built application. Use this for assets that don’t have a build step, such as images or fonts.
tests/ Includes unit and integration tests for your app, as well as various helpers to load and run your tests.
vendor/ Your external dependencies not installed with Bower or Npm.
.gitignore Git configuration for ignored files.
Grunt.coffee Grunt file for your workflow
bower.json Bower configuration and dependency list.
.bowerrc Bower can be configured using JSON in a .bowerrc file.
package.json NPM configuration. Mainly used to list the dependencies needed for asset compilation.



Deprecated | Front-end environment to build web applications


Language:CoffeeScript 80.2%Language:HTML 14.7%Language:JavaScript 5.1%