michaelfolkson / alertify

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Checks site for Bitcoin price data

Clone the repo and cd into it:

git clone git@github.com:michaelfolkson/alertify.git

cd alertify

Install virtualenv (you'll be able to use pip3 if you have installed Python3):

pip3 install virtualenv

In your project directory make a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv alertify_venv

Activate the virtual environment:

source alertify_venv/bin/activate

Install the requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run main.py in the virtual environment:

python3 main.py

Deactivate the virtual environment:


Process diagram: https://v.gd/0cBnHM

    participant Alertify
    Alertify ->> Bitfinex: Request Bitcoin price
    Bitfinex ->> Alertify: Bitcoin price
    Alertify ->> Twilio: Request sending of SMS
    Twilio ->> Cellphone: SMS
    Twilio ->> Alertify: Confirmation hash

Pinging c-lightning node

Process diagram: https://v.gd/ouBvmq

    participant Alertify
    Alertify ->> c-lightning: Ping
    c-lightning ->> Alertify: Pong
    Alertify ->> Twilio: Request sending of SMS
    Twilio ->> Cellphone: SMS
    Twilio ->> Alertify: Confirmation hash

Receive SMS alert when there is Lightning channel cheat attempt

Process diagram: https://v.gd/3uyJKP

    participant Alertify
    Alertify ->> lightningd: Request check on channel cheat attempt
    lightningd ->> bitcoind: Request transaction data of revoked states
    bitcoind ->> lightningd: Return transaction data
    lightningd ->> Alertify: Cheat attempt detected
    Alertify ->> Twilio: Request sending of SMS
    Twilio ->> Cellphone: SMS warning
    Twilio ->> Alertify: Confirmation hash



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