michaelerickson / harness-poc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sample Project

This is a sample project using the same technologies as the real MPT app will use, intended to be used for building a POC of pipeline solutions.


.NET API that manages TODOs. Just uses a List in memory for data storage.


  • dotnet build
  • dotnet run (starts a web api listening on http port 5191)
  • dotnet watch (starts a web api listening on http port 5191, restarts if/when code changes)


.NET XUnit project to unit test SampleService


  • dotnet test runs all unit tests in the project


Static front-end SPA using Svelte


  • npm run build package the client-side app into SampleUI/dist directory. We should then put the dist files into a static web host of some kind - S3, etc
  • npm run dev start SampleService in watch mode (http://localhost:5191), and starts UI using Vite to serve content (http://localhost:5173) - serves from source code instead of dist, and uses hot-module reloading as code changes
  • npm run cypress:open - opens cypress UI to run specs manually
  • npm run cypress:run - runs cypress tests in CLI

Pipeline Goals

  • Notify slack build started for what branch/tag/who pushed if possible
  • dotnet build in SampleService
  • dotnet test in SampleService.Tests
  • npm run build in SampleUI to generate dist folder
  • npm run cypress:run in SampleUI - integration tests, currently expects a running instance of SampleService at localhost:5191, and SampleUI served from localhost:5173
  • Notify slack of test results w/ link to view details
  • branch or tag-dependent steps? Currently we deploy to demo if building for a demo/*, and stage if building for master
    • deploy SampleService as container somewhere
    • deploy SampleUI to S3
    • not yet implemented: flyway database migrations (talk about this.. I haven't made this API use a database / haven't had time to dig into flyway yet)



Language:C# 50.7%Language:JavaScript 24.4%Language:Svelte 15.3%Language:CSS 7.2%Language:HTML 2.5%