michaelchadwick / raffler

And the winner is...

Home Page:https://raffler.fun

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


And the winner is...


Click or tap the button and a cavalcade of pre-loaded items will begin to cycle more and more slowly as it finally comes to a stop, and a single choice is made. That item will then be added to a results list below the Raffler, and will not be chosen again if re-run (until a reset, naturally).


To develop locally, a few simple steps need to be taken.

  • clone the project to your local computer $ git clone git@github.com:michaelchadwick/raffler.git
  • change into the new directory $ cd raffler
  • run a local http server $ php -S or $ python3 -m http.server 3000 or $ ruby -run -e httpd . -p 3000

Finally, check out http://localhost:3000 in a browser for your running instance!

To stop the local instance, issue a Ctrl-C at the command line where it's running.

Tech Specs

Raffler uses localStorage to keep data and options stateful, even in the event of a browser reload or crash.

Raffler has no items to raffle by default, so click on the settings menu icon (gear in top-right) and add some to the Available Items section.

Server Options

In order to change some of Raffler's options, do the following:

  1. Copy and rename the /config/raffler_config.json.dist file to /config/raffler_config.json.
  2. Update the contents of /config/raffler_config.json to use your values
  3. Use the following URL to enable: https://example.domain/?local_config=1
  "dataFilePath": "/config/raffler_data.json",
  "logoFilePath": "/assets/images/my-logo.png",
  "logoFileLink": "http://ohmanwhat.omg",
  "talkifyKey": "1234-56AB-CDEF"

The options that can be changed are as follows:

  • dataFilePath - json file of Raffler items that will automatically be added upon load
  • logoFilePath - logo for your thingy that appears next to the Raffler title
  • logoFileLink - somewhere to go to if you click the logo
  • talkifyKey - API key for your Talkify account (note: you must get a Talkify API key in order to have Raffler honor the "SOUND: NAME" option, which reads items as they are picked)

An example file has been included as /config/raffler_data.json.dist:

  "Bavmorda, Nockmaar",
  "Elora Danan, Tir Asleen",
  "Madmartigan, Crossroads",
  "Sorsha, Nockmaar",
  "Willow Ufgood, Newlyn",
  "Fin Raziel, Tir Asleen",
  "Meegosh, Newlyn",
  "Burglekutt, Newlyn",
  "General Kael, Nockmaar"

The settings menu will also allow you to toggle special effects and other debug stuff like stopping and starting a raffler in-process, re-initializing all data, and seeing which items have been chosen.

#### Third-Party Help

* [JS File Saving](https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js) for exporting results to text
* [Talkify](https://talkify.net) for reading the choice after a countdown
    * [Talkify JS library](https://github.com/Hagsten/Talkify)


And the winner is...


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 54.2%Language:CSS 30.4%Language:HTML 15.3%Language:Ruby 0.1%