michaelbertoni / discord-debrief-bot

Discord bot to help you create private and ephemeral voice channels

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


How the bot works

The discord bot features ephemeral and private voice channel creation, using invites to add users to the channel.

Workflow :
The discord member Member1 connects to the "Créer un vocal débrief" channel
debrief-bot creates a "<Member1_username - Débrief>" voice channel.
debrief-bot overwrites permissions : no one can see the channel except Member1 and debrief-bot, the latter gains moderation permissions.
Default permissions for members inside a voice channel are view channel, connect, send voice messages, speak.
debrief-bot mentions Member1 inside the channel with a text message, explaining how to invite other members.
Member1 uses slash command /debrief invite with at least one required option to mention another member to invite in the voice channel.
Member2 gains permission to the voice channel from debrief-bot.
debrief-bot mentions Member2 in a text message in the voice channel to draw attention to the voice channel.
debrief-bot reacts to the message with a door emoji.
Member2 can react with the door emoji to the message anytime to leave and lose access to the voice channel.
If Member2 was connected to the voice channel, they get disconnected when they react with the door emoji to the message.
When the voice channel is empty, debrief-bot deletes it.

At launch time, debrief-bot checks if "Créer un vocal débrief" voice channel is created and also detects already created debrief voice channels to keep them in memory.

At any time, a moderator can close a voice channel with slash command /debrief close ran inside the channel.

How to run the bot

  1. Provide the following environment variables :
    • BOT_TOKEN : your Discord bot secret token
    • BOT_APPLICATION_TOKEN : your Discord bot application id
    • GUILD_ID : your Discord server guild id
    • MODERATION_ROLE_IDS : comma-separated list of ids for the moderation roles on your server
  2. Invite your bot to your discord server with the following permissions :
    • scope : bot
    • permissions (1099796909136) :
      • manage channels
      • manage roles
      • read messages/view channels
      • moderate members
      • send messages
      • read message history
      • add reactions
      • move members
  3. Run the bot :
    • npm install
    • node ./index.js
  4. (alternative) Run the bot with Docker :
    • docker run -d -e BOT_TOKEN=<token> -e BOT_APPLICATION_ID <appId> -e GUILD_ID <guildId> ghcr.io/michaelbertoni/discord-debrief-bot:latest

Known issues

  • debrief-bot does not save door emoji / invited member couples in memory and cannot retrieve them at launch if they already exist.
    This means that if debrief channels with invited members already exist at launch time, invited members will not be able to use the door emoji inside the debrief-bot text message. A new debrief voice channel will be needed for this feature to work.


Discord bot to help you create private and ephemeral voice channels


Language:JavaScript 97.9%Language:Dockerfile 2.1%