michael-spengler / blockchain-study-community

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blockchain Study Community

The Blockchain Study Community is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) which was inspired by DHBW Mannheim.
Its goal is to connect business- & tech- enthusiasts to prototype valuable new business models and incentive systems by leveraging the Blockchain Technology as Distributed Ledger Technology.

Currently on Hold

Each Study Community needs at least one dedicated facilitator. Due to prioritization reasons we have put this topic on hold.
As soon as there is strong demand with some dedicated time & budget for community facilitation, this topic will be reactivated.

Early Polls for new Study Communities

Collaboration Spaces

One of the first polls for each study community is about which online meeting space shall be used - potential options:
jit.si (open source)
work adventure (open source)
Gather Town

Upcoming Events

Another typical question is about which events shall take place - potential options: Team Solve Gitcoin Challenges
