michael-rhoese / rnaflow

A simple RNA-Seq differential gene expression pipeline using Nextflow

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RNAflow - An effective and simple RNA-Seq differential gene expression pipeline using Nextflow

flow-chart Figure 1. Workflow. The user can decide after preprocessing to run a differential gene expression (DEG) analysis or a transcriptome assembly. Circles symbolize input data and download icons symbolize automated download of resources. Steps marked by asterisks are currently only available for some species. See here for a list of references for the used tools and please consider to cite them as well.

Table of Contents

Quick installation

The pipeline is written in Nextflow, which can be used on any POSIX compatible system (Linux, OS X, etc). Windows system is supported through WSL. You need Nextflow installed and either conda, Docker, or Singularity to run the steps of the pipeline:

  1. Install Nextflow

    click here for a bash one-liner
    wget -qO- https://get.nextflow.io | bash
    # In the case you don’t have wget
    # curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash
  2. Install conda

    click here for a bash two-liner for Miniconda3 Linux 64-bit
    wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
    bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh


  1. Install conda

    click here for a bash two-liner for Miniconda3 Linux 64-bit
    wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
    bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
  2. Install Nextflow via conda

    click here to see how to do that
    conda create -n nextflow -c bioconda nextflow
    conda active nextflow

For transcriptome assembly you have to install also Docker or Singularity.

  1. You can try to simply install Singularity via conda as well

    click for an example command
    conda create -n singularity -c conda-forge singularity
    conda active singularity

    or if you already have a conda environment for nextflow:

    conda activate nextflow
    conda install -c conda-forge singularity

A system admin-configured Singularity installation should be preferred in comparison to an own local conda installation. Please ask your sys admin!

All other dependencies and tools will be installed within the pipeline via conda, Docker or Singularity depending on the profile you run (see below).

Quick start

Start a test run

# conda active nextflow
nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow -profile test,conda,local

... performs

  • a differential gene expression analysis with sub-sampled human read data,
  • on a reduced human genome and annotation (chromosome 1, 10 and 11),
  • comparing two conditions (MAQCA, MAQCB),
  • with a local execution (uses max. 4 cores in total and 8GB) and
  • conda dependency management.
Resource usage

For a local test run (with 30 cores in total at maximum):

nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow -profile test,conda,local -w work \
--max_cores 30 --cores 10 --softlink_results -r master

we observed the following resource usage including downloads and conda environment creation for each process:

Total runtime
25m 56s
Physical memory (RAM), max.
3.015 GB at process hisat2index
Virtual memory (RAM + Disk swap), max.
10.16 GB at process hisat2

A detailed HTML report automatically produced the pipeline can be found here.

Call help

nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow --help

Update the pipeline

nextflow pull hoelzer-lab/rnaflow

Use a certain release

We recommend to use a stable release of the pipeline:

nextflow pull hoelzer-lab/rnaflow -r <RELEASE>


nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow --reads input.csv --autodownload hsa --pathway hsa --max_cores 6 --cores 2

with --autodownload <hsa|mmu|mau|eco> build-in species, or define your own genome reference and annotation files in CSV files:

nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow --reads input.csv --genome fastas.csv --annotation gtfs.csv --max_cores 6 --cores 2

Genomes and annotations from --autodownload, --genome and --annotation are concatenated.

By default, all possible comparisons are performed. Use --deg to change this.

--pathway <hsa|mmu|mau> performs downstream pathway analysis. Available are WebGestalt set enrichment analysis (GSEA) for hsa, piano GSEA with different settings and consensus scoring for hsa, mmu and mau.

Input files

Read files (required)

Specify your read files in FASTQ format with --reads input.csv. The file input.csv has to look like this for single-end reads:


and for paired-end reads, like this:


Read files can be compressed (.gz). You need at least two replicates for each condition to run the pipeline. Source labels are optional - the header is still required, the value can be empty as in the single-end example above. Source labels can be used to define the corresponding experiment even more precisely for improved differential expression testing, e.g. if RNA-Seq samples come from different Conditions (e.g. tissues) but the same Sources (e.g. patients). Still, the comparison will be performed between the Conditions but the Source information is additionally used in designing the DESeq2 experiment. Source labels also extend the heatmap sample annotation.

Genomes and annotation

If you don't use one of the build-in species, specify your genomes via --genome fastas.csv, with fastas.csv looking like this:


and --annotation gtfs.csv with gtfs.csv looking like this:


You can add a build-in species to your defined genomes and annotation with --autodownload xxx.

Build-in species

We provide a small set of build-in species for which the genome and annotation files are automatically downloaded from Ensembl with --autodownload xxx. Please let us know, we can easily add other species.

Species three-letter shortcut Genome Annotation
Homo sapiens hsa * Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.98 Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly
Mus musculus mmu * Mus_musculus.GRCm38.99 Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna.primary_assembly
Mesocricetus auratus mau * Mesocricetus_auratus.MesAur1.0.100 Mesocricetus_auratus.MesAur1.0.dna.toplevel
Escherichia coli eco Escherichia_coli_k_12.ASM80076v1.45 Escherichia_coli_k_12.ASM80076v1.dna.toplevel

* Downstream pathway analysis availible via --pathway xxx.

Comparisons for DEG analysis

Per default, all possible pairwise comparisons in one direction are performed. Thus, when A is compared against B the pipeline will not automatically compare B vs. A which will anyway only change the direction of the finally resulting fold changes. To change this, please define the needed comparison with --deg comparisons.csv, where each line contains a pairwise comparison:


Resume your run

You can easily resume your run in case of changes to the parameters or inputs. Nextflow will try to not recalculate steps that are already done:

nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow -profile test,conda,local -resume

Nextflow will need access to the working directory where temporary calculations are stored. Per default, this is set to work but can be adjusted via -w /path/to/any/workdir. In addition, the .nextflow.log file is needed to resume a run, thus, this will only work if you resume the run from the same folder where you started it.

Workflow control


--mode                                 # either 'single' (single-end) or 'paired' (paired-end) sequencing [default single]
--skip_sortmerna                       # skip rRNA removal via SortMeRNA [default false]
--fastp_additional_params              # additional parameters for fastp [default '-5 -3 -W 4 -M 20 -l 15 -x -n 5 -z 6']
--hisat2_additional_params             # additional parameters for HISAT2
--featurecounts_additional_params      # additional parameters for FeatureCounts [default: -t gene -g gene_id]

DEG analysis

--strand                        # strandness for counting with featureCounts: 0 (unstranded), 1 (stranded) and 2 (reversely stranded) [default 0]
--tpm                           # threshold for TPM (transcripts per million) filter [default 1]
--deg                           # a CSV file following the pattern: conditionX,conditionY
--pathway                       # perform different downstream pathway analysis for the species hsa|mmu|mau
--feature_id_type               # ID type for downstream analysis [default: ensembl_gene_id]

Transcriptome assembly

--assemly                       # switch to transcriptome assemly
--busco_db                      # BUSCO database ['euarchontoglires_odb9']
--dammit_uniref90               # add UniRef90 to dammit databases, takes long [false]

Profiles/configuration options

Per default, the pipeline is locally executed with conda dependency management (corresponds to -profile local,conda). Adjust this setting by combining an executer option with an engine option, e.g. -profile local,conda or -profile slurm,conda. We also provide container support, see below.

Executor options...

... or how to schedule your workload.

Currently implemented are local, slurm and lsf executions.

You can customize local with this parameters:

--cores                         # cores for one process [default 1]
--max_cores                     # max. cores used in total [default allAvailable]
--memory                        # max. memory in GB for local use [default 8 GB]

Engine options...

... or in which environment to run the tools.

Currently implemented are conda, Docker and Singularity. For transcriptome assembly some tools need to be run with Docker or Singularity.

You can switch between different engines via -profile, for example:

nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow -profile test,local,conda
nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow -profile test,local,docker
nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow -profile test,slurm,singularity

As a best practice for a local execution, we recommend to run the pipeline with --cores 1 --max_cores 1 the first time you use Singularity, because we experienced issues when generating the Singularity images in parallel the first time the pipeline is executed with this engine option.

You can customize where conda environments are stored using

--condaCacheDir /path/to/dir

and where Singularity images are stored via

--singularityCacheDir /path/to/dir

Docker images are stored based on your system configuration.


Monitoring with Nextflow Tower

To monitor your computations the pipeline can be connected to Nextflow Tower. You need an user access token to connect your Tower account with the pipeline. Simply generate a login using your email and then click the link send to this address.

"Nextflow Tower does not require a password or registration procedure. Just provide your email address and we'll send you an authentication link to login. That's all!"

Once logged in, click on your avatar on the top right corner and select "Your tokens". Generate a token or copy the default one and set the environment variable:

export NXF_VER=20.10.0

You can save this command to your .bashrc or .profile to not need to enter it again.

Now run:

nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow -profile test,local,conda -with-tower

Alternatively, you can also activate the Tower connection within the nextflow.config file located in the root GitHub directory:

tower {
    accessToken = ''
    enabled = true

You can also directly enter your access token here instead of generating the above environment variable.


The result folder is structured by each step and tool (results/step/tool) as follows:

├── 01-Trimming
│   └── fastp                   trimmed reads
├── 02-rRNARemoval
│   └── SortMeRNA               rRNA-free (and trimmed) reads
├── 03-Mapping
│   └── HISAT2                  mapping results in BAM format with index files (BAI)
├── 04-Counting
│   └── featureCounts           counting table
├── 05-CountingFilter
│   └── TPM                     counting table with additional TPM value; formatted counting table filtered by TPM
├── 06-Annotation               filtered annotation; gene id, name and bio type mapping
├── 07-DifferentialExpression
│   └── DESeq2                  see below
├── 08-Assembly
│   └── de_novo
│      └── Trinity              Trinity assembly  (with --assembly)
├── 09-RNA-Seq_Annotation       BUSCO, dammit and StringTie2 results (with --assembly)
├── Logs                        Nextflow execution timeline and workflow report
└── Summary                     MultiQC report

Please note, that 08-Assembly and 09-RNA-Seq_Annotation are part of the transcriptome assembly branch (--assembly). Here, steps 04 to 07 are currently not applicable.

DESeq2 results

The DESeq2 result is structured as follows:

└── DESeq2
   ├── data                         
   │   ├── counts                   normalized, transformed counts; size factors table
   │   └── input                    DESeq2 input summary
   ├── deseq2.Rout                  R log file
   ├── MAQCA_vs_MAQCB               results for pairwise comparison (here exemplarily for the -profile test data set)
   │   ├── downstream_analysis  
   │   │   ├── piano                piano results
   │   │   └── WebGestalt           WebGestalt results
   │   ├── input                    DESeq2 input summary
   │   ├── plots
   │   │   ├── heatmaps
   │   │   ├── MA
   │   │   ├── PCA
   │   │   ├── sample2sample
   │   │   └── volcano
   │   ├── reports                  DESeq2 result HTML table; summary report
   │   └── results                  raw and filtered DESeq2 result in CSV and XLSX format; DEG analysis summary
   └── plots                        heatmaps and PCA of all samples

We provide DESeq2 normalized, regularized log (rlog), variance stabilized (vsd) and log2(n+1) (ntd) transformed count tables (DESeq2/data/counts).

For each comparison (specified with --deg or, per default, all possible pairwise comparisons in one direction), a new folder X_vs_Y is created. This also describes the direction of the comparison, e.g. the log2FoldChange describes the change of a gene under condition B with respect to the gene under condition A.

Downstream analysis (--pathway xxx) are currently provided for some species: GSEA consensus scoring with piano for Homo sapiens (hsa), Mus musculus (mmu) and Mesocricetus auratus (mau); and WebGestalt GSEA for Homo sapiens and Mus musculus.

Working offline

In case you don't have an internet connection, here is a workaround to this issue for manual download and copying of external recourses:

  • Genomes and annotation can also be specified via --genome and --annotaion, see here.
  • For BUSCO it is a simple download, see here with busco_db = 'euarchontoglires_odb9' as default.
  • For SortMeRNA and dammit the tools must be installed. Version specifications can be found here and there, the code to create the databases here and there with busco_db = 'euarchontoglires_odb9' dammit_uniref90 = false as default.
  • Downstream analysis with piano and WebGestalt currently need an internet connection in any case. If no connection is available piano and WebGestalt are skipped.
RNAflow looks up the files here:
nextflow-autodownload-databases     # default: `permanentCacheDir = 'nextflow-autodownload-databases'`
└── databases
    └── busco
        └── <busco_db>.tar.gz
    └── dammit
        └── <busco_db>.tar.gz
        └── uniref90                # in case of `dammit_uniref90 = true`
            └── <busco_db>.tar.gz
    └── sortmerna
        └── data
            └── rRNA_databases

Help message

click here to see the complete help message
Usage examples:
nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow -profile test,local,conda
nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow --cores 4 --reads input.csv --autodownload mmu --pathway mmu
nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow --cores 4 --reads input.csv --autodownload eco --assembly
nextflow run hoelzer-lab/rnaflow --cores 4 --reads input.csv --genome fasta_virus.csv --annotation gtf_virus.csv --autodownload hsa --pathway hsa
Genomes and annotations from --autodownload, --genome and --annotation are concatenated.

--reads                  A CSV file following the pattern: Sample,R,Condition,Source for single-end or Sample,R1,R2,Condition,Source for paired-end
                                    (check terminal output if correctly assigned)
                                    Per default, all possible comparisons of conditions in one direction are made. Use --deg to change.
--autodownload           Specifies the species identifier for automated download [default: ]
                                    Currently supported are:
                                    - hsa [Ensembl: Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly | Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.98]
                                    - eco [Ensembl: Escherichia_coli_k_12.ASM80076v1.dna.toplevel | Escherichia_coli_k_12.ASM80076v1.45]
                                    - mmu [Ensembl: Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna.primary_assembly | Mus_musculus.GRCm38.99.gtf]
                                    - mau [Ensembl: Mesocricetus_auratus.MesAur1.0.dna.toplevel | Mesocricetus_auratus.MesAur1.0.100]
--species                Specifies the species identifier for downstream path analysis. (DEPRECATED)
                         If `--include_species` is set, reference genome and annotation are added and automatically downloaded. [default: ]
                                    Currently supported are:
                                    - hsa [Ensembl: Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly | Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.98]
                                    - eco [Ensembl: Escherichia_coli_k_12.ASM80076v1.dna.toplevel | Escherichia_coli_k_12.ASM80076v1.45]
                                    - mmu [Ensembl: Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna.primary_assembly | Mus_musculus.GRCm38.99.gtf]
                                    - mau [Ensembl: Mesocricetus_auratus.MesAur1.0.dna.toplevel | Mesocricetus_auratus.MesAur1.0.100]
--genome                 CSV file with genome reference FASTA files (one path in each line)
                                    If set, --annotation must also be set.
--annotation             CSV file with genome annotation GTF files (one path in each line)
--include_species        Either --species or --genome/--annotation need to be used. Both input seetings can be also combined to use genome and annotation of 
                         supported species in addition to --genome and --annotation [default: false]

Preprocessing options:
--mode                             Either 'single' (single-end) or 'paired' (paired-end) sequencing [default: single]
--fastp_additional_params          additional parameters for fastp [default: -5 -3 -W 4 -M 20 -l 15 -x -n 5 -z 6]
--skip_sortmerna                   Skip rRNA removal via SortMeRNA [default: false] 
--hisat2_additional_params         additional parameters for HISAT2 [default: ]
--featurecounts_additional_params  additional parameters for FeatureCounts [default: -t gene -g gene_id]

DEG analysis options:
--strand                 0 (unstranded), 1 (stranded) and 2 (reversely stranded) [default: 0]
--tpm                    Threshold for TPM (transcripts per million) filter. A feature is discared, if for all conditions the mean TPM value of all 
                         corresponding samples in this condition is below the threshold. [default: 1]
--deg                    A CSV file following the pattern: conditionX,conditionY
                         Each line stands for one differential gene expression comparison.  
                         Must match the 'Condition' labels defined in the CSV file provided via --reads.  
--pathway                Perform different downstream pathway analysis for the species. [default: ]
                         Currently supported are:
                             - hsa | Homo sapiens
                             - mmu | Mus musculus
                             - mau | Mesocricetus auratus
--feature_id_type        ID type for downstream analysis [default: ensembl_gene_id]                            

Transcriptome assembly options:
--assembly               Perform de novo and reference-based transcriptome assembly instead of DEG analysis [default: false]
--busco_db               The database used with BUSCO [default: euarchontoglires_odb9]
                         Full list of available data sets at https://busco.ezlab.org/v2/frame_wget.html 
--dammit_uniref90        Add UniRef90 to the dammit databases (time consuming!) [default: false]

Computing options:
--cores                  Max cores per process for local use [default: 1]
--max_cores              Max cores used on the machine for local use [default: 4]
--memory                 Max memory in GB for local use [default: 8 GB]
--output                 Name of the result folder [default: results]

--permanentCacheDir      Location for auto-download data like databases [default: nextflow-autodownload-databases]
--condaCacheDir          Location for storing the conda environments [default: conda]
--singularityCacheDir    Location for storing the singularity images [default: singularity]
--workdir                Working directory for all intermediate results [default: null] (DEPRECATED: use `-w your/workdir` instead)
--softlink_results       Softlink result files instead of copying.

Nextflow options:
-with-tower              Activate monitoring via Nextflow Tower (needs TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN set).
-with-report rep.html    CPU / RAM usage (may cause errors).
-with-dag chart.html     Generates a flowchart for the process tree.
-with-timeline time.html Timeline (may cause errors).

Execution/Engine profiles:
The pipeline supports profiles to run via different Executers and Engines e.g.: -profile local,conda

Executer (choose one):

Engines (choose one):

Per default: -profile local,conda is executed. 

For a test run (~ 15 min), add "test" to the profile, e.g. -profile test,local,conda.
The command will create all conda environments and download and run test data.

We also provide some pre-configured profiles for certain HPC environments:    
  ara (slurm, conda and parameter customization)


If you use RNAflow please cite:

Marie Lataretu and Martin Hölzer. "RNAflow: An effective and simple RNA-Seq differential gene expression pipeline using Nextflow". Genes 2020, 11(12), 1487; https://doi.org/10.3390/genes11121487


A simple RNA-Seq differential gene expression pipeline using Nextflow

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:HTML 95.7%Language:Nextflow 2.8%Language:R 1.1%Language:Ruby 0.4%