michael-poten / smart-deadlines

Distributes estimations on Trello cards over appointments in your iCal-Calendar.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Smart Deadlines

The Trello Power-Up 'Smart Deadlines' can be used to distribute estimations on cards over appointments in your iCal-calendar. The calculated dates are set as due date in the given cards of the list.

Important: The origin iCal-calendar is only imported and will never be changed.


You want to contribute? That's great! Please write me your idea or create your very own PR and your changes will be visible very soon! ;)

Used technologies and libraries

  • Node / npm
  • Express

Upload and Download of .ics files with your own server

There is a small NodeJs server for uploading ics files.

You can start the server using the server.js.

Start by using Glitch

Glitch can be used to develop the Power-Up on a live-server and so it can be tested right in Trello.

  • Go to glitch.com and create a new project.
  • Import this repository.
  • Follow the instructions on trello.com to create an account.
  • In the trello.com setting, you add the URL from the live server.
  • Ready to start developing :)


Distributes estimations on Trello cards over appointments in your iCal-Calendar.


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