micahwood / Q4-2015-Challenge-05

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#Challenge #5 (due 12/21/2015): Star Wars Trivia With all the hype around Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we’ve been tasked to come up with a Star Wars trivia game in order to refresh everyone’s memories of the previous episodes.

#Description The sky's the limit on what kind of UI you want to create--it can be as ugly or fancy as you’d like it. These are the requirements:

  • The ability for the user to choose between at least 2 levels of difficulty
  • At least five randomly selected questions from a larger bank of questions (within the selected level of difficulty).
  • Only one answer per question should be considered correct.
  • At the end of the quiz, print out the results, including the total score, along with a breakdown of each question, the user’s response, and the correct response.
  • Feel free to copy whatever questions/answers you’d like from the internet (or make up your own). A suggested minimum is around 10 questions per difficulty to ensure a decent sampling of questions.

#Bonus Entry Extend the game to allow multiple people/teams to submit answers to each question, rather than just a single person. Of course, most UIs will allow players to see each others’ responses, but to keep things simple, that’s okay. Same rules above apply, except for the results will be broken down by each person/team, with a winner determined (or winners in the case of a tie).

#Submission Instructions GitHub repo: https://github.com/STGCodeChallenges/Q4-2015-Challenge-05

Google Form (to be filled out upon completion of challenge): https://docs.google.com/a/stgconsulting.com/forms/d/1nsZNkTpxDiInHuTvVhKZ8HSuYt9W_Zg_hK6mzXMCiwk/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link



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