micahcantor / RedditSemanticSearchFlask

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reddit/Semantic Search Forum

This is the code for the demo for a technical article showing off the use of Cohere's semantic search API. The app is written in Flask and styled with Boostrap. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:



To run the app, credentials are needed to access the Reddit and Cohere APIs. Create a credentials.json file at the root level of this repository with the following structure:

    "client_id": "REDDIT_CLIENT_ID",
    "client_secret": "REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET",
    "username": "REDDIT_USERNAME",
    "password": "REDDIT_PASSWORD",
    "cohere_api_key": "COHERE_API_KEY"


First, create a new Python virtual environment, activate it, and install the dependencies:

python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, to run a development server for the app, simply execute flask run at the top level of this repository.

Local Database

The app relies on a local database of cached subreddit data and their respective FAISS indices. The database can be built using the scripts get_embeddings.py and get_reddit_data.py. To set up the database from scratch, do the following:

touch subreddit_data_db.json
python get_reddit_data.py programming
python get_reddit_data.py technology
python get_embeddings.py

First we create the database JSON file. Then we get the Reddit data for the subreddits we want. Finally we generate the embeddings for these subreddits. The indices for these embeddings will be stored under a new directory indices/.


To deploy the app, refer to Flask documentation on deploying to production



Language:Python 61.5%Language:HTML 38.5%