miaofasheng / dns-differential-fuzzing

ResolFuzz: Differential Fuzzing of DNS Resolvers

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ResolFuzz: DNS Resolver Fuzzer

This repository accompanies the paper submission "ResolFuzz: Differential Fuzzing of DNS Resolvers".

  1. Project Overview
  2. Fuzzing the DNS Resolvers
    1. Building the Containers
    2. Running ResolFuzz
  3. Trophycase
    1. 000e35b0-ffa0-49c8-ba43-b46232891d91: Deadwood refuses to answer queries with QCLASS ANY
    2. 0013bbeb-05b0-419b-8250-60b8c6efa50a: resolved fails to answer CNAME queries to non-existing records
    3. 016a13b1-5674-447d-98cf-9a864d73bd59: BIND9 discards answers with mixed CLASS values
    4. 00ace827-cbd7-45bd-8528-f1ae34d7f655: Intentionally not included
    5. 04970a0b-52a4-4cd3-8765-09c3374d0017: Deadwood ignores messages with 0-byte
    6. 3fffab07-8e90-4c8a-999e-47ee3692381c: Intentionally not included
    7. db1d577b-3a3c-4eac-9c1f-57ce6a5ec38e: Unbound returns record of wrong class

Project Overview

  • fuzzer: contains the Coordinator component of ResolFuzz.
  • fuzzer-protocol: defines a TCP based protocol used to remote control the fuzzee. It also provides access to information like the code coverage gathered by the fuzzee.
  • libcoverage: provides the hooks for the LLVM source code coverage functions. It also uses fuzzer-protocolto spawn the fuzzee server.
  • dnsauth: contains Helper component and type definitions. The main binary is dnsauth
  • examples: Container definitions for the DNS resolvers are stored here. This includes build scripts to compile from source, all our compiler modifications, and the resolver configurations to run them.
  • notebooks: contains Jupyter Notebooks for further output analysis and image generation.

Fuzzing the DNS Resolvers

The project requires that Rust is available. For the containers, either podman or docker is necessary.

Building the Containers

In the examples/ directory execute the build_fuzzing_container.sh script. This will build all the containers necessary for the fuzzing process.

Running ResolFuzz

Executing cargo run --release --bin fuzzer is enough to start the fuzzing, but options are available.

$ cargo run --release --bin fuzzer -- --help
Usage: fuzzer [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  single      Execute a single FuzzSuite
  spawn       Spawn a container running the resolver and all static AuthNS
  show-stats  Show statistics about the fuzzing
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --reset-state               Ignore any existing fuzzing state and start from scratch
      --dump-diffs <DUMP_DIFFS>   Dump any found differences into this directory
      --resolvers <RESOLVERS>...  
  -h, --help                      Print help

You can specify which resolvers you want to use, by specifying the image names. All differences can be dumped for later analysis. ResolFuzz will show a UI on the terminal during the fuzzing providing live statistics.

The single command allows re-running a previously dumped FuzzSuite.

$ cargo run --release --bin fuzzer -- single --help
Execute a single FuzzSuite

Usage: fuzzer single [OPTIONS] <SUITE> <FUZZEES>...

  <SUITE>       Path to the FuzzSuite file
  <FUZZEES>...  List of fuzzees to run

      --keep  Keep the directory with all output files
  -h, --help  Print help

Similarly, show-stats loads the live statistics from a previous run. The path can either be to a single JSON file or the stats folder inside the --dump-diffs folder. For interactive analysis, you can spawn a single container and load a FuzzSuite using the spawn command. This will spawn a container and perform all the pre-fuzz steps, but not close the container afterward. Using podman exec -it -l bash you can enter the container and inspect it.

$ cargo run --release --bin fuzzer -- spawn --help
Spawn a container running the resolver and all static AuthNS

Usage: fuzzer spawn [OPTIONS] <SUITE> <FUZZEE>

  <SUITE>   Path to the FuzzSuite file
  <FUZZEE>  Fuzzee container to spawn

      --keep  Keep the directory with all output files
  -h, --help  Print help


000e35b0-ffa0-49c8-ba43-b46232891d91: Deadwood refuses to answer queries with QCLASS ANY

Deadwood refuses to answer on client queries with a QCLASS of ANY.

    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.#count           1
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.name           fnbhv.test.fuzz.
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.query_class    ANY
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.query_type     SRV

0013bbeb-05b0-419b-8250-60b8c6efa50a: resolved fails to answer CNAME queries to non-existing records

resolved misinterprets a NODATA answer when queried for CNAME type.

    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.#count               1             1
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.name               test.fuzz.    test.fuzz.
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.query_class        IN            IN
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.query_type         CNAME         CNAME

 .  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.header.response_code    NoError       ServFail      ResolvedServFailOnNoData
 .  .fuzz_result.response_idxs.#count                    1             2             MetaDiff
    .fuzz_result.response_idxs.0                         usize::MAX    usize::MAX
 .  .fuzz_result.response_idxs.1                                       usize::MAX    TrailingRetransmissions
 .  .resolver_name                                       bind9         resolved      ResolverName

Neither resolver asks a question that can be answered by the fuzzer. The fuzzer responds with an empty response, but with NoError set as the response code. This means the name exists, but the queries TYPE is not available. This happens if other TYPEs are available, or the name is an empty non-terminal, i.e., no type exists, but a sub-domain exists.

resolved fails to correctly process this, but only if the query type is CNAME.

016a13b1-5674-447d-98cf-9a864d73bd59: BIND9 discards answers with mixed CLASS values

BIND9 fails to retrieve the answer and returns a ServFail, likely due to the mixed CLASS values in the AuthNS response.

Deadwood, Unbound, and pdns-recursor manage to return an answer.

 .  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.#count           1
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.dns_class      IN
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.name_labels    gechu.0000.fuzz.
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.rdata          kyadc.0000.fuzz.
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.rr_type        NS
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.ttl            86400

Only Unbound returns this name server entry. The CLASS is ok, since the client queried for ANY class. But the RR type of TXT is unusual, since the query is explicitly for the NS type.

 .  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.name_servers.#count           1
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.name_servers.0.dns_class      HS
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.name_servers.0.name_labels    hcpln.0000.fuzz.
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.name_servers.0.rdata          pzies.test.fuzz.
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.name_servers.0.rr_type        TXT
 *  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.name_servers.0.ttl            86400

00ace827-cbd7-45bd-8528-f1ae34d7f655: Intentionally not included

04970a0b-52a4-4cd3-8765-09c3374d0017: Deadwood ignores messages with 0-byte

Deadwood fails to process messages with embedded 0-byte, such as vyfmt.test.fuzz\000..

    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.#count           1
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.name           vyfmt.test.fuzz\000.
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.query_class    IN
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.query_type     RRSIG

3fffab07-8e90-4c8a-999e-47ee3692381c: Intentionally not included

db1d577b-3a3c-4eac-9c1f-57ce6a5ec38e: Unbound returns record of wrong class

Unbound accepts and returns a RR of class CH to the client. The client asked for IN.

    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.#count                1
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.name                glsbm.test.fuzz.
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.query_class         IN
    .fuzz_case.client_query.queries.0.query_type          A

 .  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.#count           1
 .  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.dns_class      CH
 .  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.name_labels    glsbm.0000.fuzz.
 .  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.rdata
 .  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.rr_type        A
 .  .fuzz_result.fuzzee_response.answers.0.ttl            86400

 .  .resolver_name                                        unbound


ResolFuzz: Differential Fuzzing of DNS Resolvers


Language:Jupyter Notebook 87.6%Language:Rust 11.3%Language:Python 1.1%