mialsy / AlgorithmHandTracingPractice

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Apr 25, 2021

Reference solutions🔗 Please let me know if you find any mistake.

2-3 tree:

insert this: then remove
conquer c, n, r
sparkling k, l, g
tedious e, i


insert & build from bottom up, then remove min 3 times

  • 21, 13, 26, 29, 6, 0, 16
  • 4, 12, 17, 1, 16, 11, 20
  • 20, 2, 15, 8, 4, 9, 8

Compact prefix tree:

insert this:

  • chalk, bedroom, cherries, unit, unused, chance
  • standing, connection, shirt, striped, shed, cream, corn

Construct tree from both preorder and post order: (just do one)

  • favour
  • sample
  • reward

Apr 26, 2021

Reference solutions🔗 Please let me know if you find any mistake.


Insert into tree with degree of 4

  • [19, 4, 11, 16, 21, 26, 13, 0, 1, 2, 20]
  • [9, 10, 14, 28, 13, 5, 26, 25, 4, 12, 3, 20]

Insert into tree with degree of 5

  • [19, 4, 11, 16, 21, 26, 13, 0, 1, 2, 20, 3, 5]
  • [29, 26, 20, 28, 8, 10, 19, 16, 6, 18, 11, 22]


Serialization of binary tree => construct tree back

  • AB/CDE//F////
  • ACD//E//BF//G//
  • AB//CD//EF//G//

Serialization of N-nary tree => construct tree back

  • ADB)HE)F)))CI))G))
  • BCF)D)HAE))F))I)))

Given binary tree => serialization

Given n-nary tree => serialization


run DFS and BFS on following graphs (traverse the node with smaller alphabetic order) :

For final May 18:

Reference solutions🔗

Note topological sort you may get quite different result based on where you start.

Disjoint set - show table:

    • createSet(10)
    • Union(0, 6)
    • Union(6, 4)
    • Union(9, 5)
    • Union(3, 4)

    • createSet(8)
    • Union(6, 3)
    • Union(0, 2)
    • Union(7, 6)
    • Union(7, 2)
    • Union(1, 2)

Topological Sort

Topological Sort - show both with removing edge and the start/finish time method

Course Prereq
L101 L100
L109 L101, L103
L103 L101
L105 L106, L104, L102
L102 L100
L104 L103, L101
Task Need to finish before this task
BrewCoffee BoilWater, GrindCoffee
BoilWater FilterWater, HeatStove
Breakfast BrewCoffee, MakePancake
MakePancake PrepareEgg, HeatStove, FilterWater
GoToWork Breakfast, CleanKitchen
CleanKitchen PrepareEgg, MakePancake, BrewCoffee
  • image

Strongly Connected Component


MST - show both prim & Kruskal

