mholson / mholson

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(setq hello-world t) πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Hej from Stockholm, Sweden! I’m Mark, a Mathematics educator with over 18 years experience and has a deep passion for programming and web development. As a Lindewood University alumni, I bring a dynamic approach to learning, integrating Backward Lesson Design, Computational Thinking, and Threshold Concepts into my teaching practice.

πŸ”₯ My Teaching Arsenal:

  • Doom Emacs: My preferred tool for programming and note-taking.
  • GitHub: Collaboratively developing and sharing educational resources with students and educators alike.
  • Languages: LaTeX, Python, Swift, with a sprinkle of Emacs Lisp (Elisp) and JavaScript.

🎯 Current Endeavors:

  • Porting over 5,000 notes from Org-roam to Emacs Denote, developing a robust file naming schema and ID system in the process.
  • Creating modularly written notes and solutions designed for flexible use in exams, worksheets, slides, and notebooks powered by python and LaTeX.
  • Focusing on improving my Emacs Lisp (Elisp) skills to spice up my emacs config.

πŸ›  Development Environment:

  • Crafting all resources from emacs and the terminal managed from the comfort of macOS.

🎬 On YouTube:

Dive into my YouTube Channel where I share content aligning with my teaching and tech interests, providing a window into my world of mathematics, programming, and emacs.
