mhjensen / thqml-1.0

Thinking-Quantum-Machine-Learning code repository

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ThQML: Thinking Quantum Machine learning

C. Conti

Code for the book Quantum Machine Learning,

Being free of any licensing fees, ThQML is ideal for exploring quantum machine learning for students and researchers.

Created by following


graphviz for plot_model to work


Installation by pip and Python Package Index (

pip install thqml

The user may eventually use a conda or similar environment.

Local installation

In the downloaded folder from github

python3 -m pip install .

Note the dot at the end

To install an editable version

python3 -m pip install -e .

Note the dot after editable

Citing ThQML

If you use ThQML in your research, please cite the book.

See the references in thqml.bib

Last test with code versions (december 2023)

- python 3.10.12
- tensorflow 2.11.0
- matplotlib 3.7.2
- numpy 1.24.3


├── jupyternotebooks
│   ├── bosonsampling
│   │   ├── BosonSamplingExample1.ipynb
│   │   ├── BosonSamplingExample2.ipynb
│   │   ├── BosonSamplingExample3.ipynb
│   │   ├── BosonSamplingExample4b.ipynb
│   │   ├── BosonSamplingExample4.ipynb
│   │   ├── BosonSamplingExample5.ipynb
│   │   ├── BosonSamplingExample6.ipynb
│   │   ├── BosonSamplingExample7.ipynb
│   │   ├── BosonSamplingExample8.ipynb
│   │   └── BosonSamplingExample9.ipynb
│   ├── logo_circular.png
│   ├── phasespace
│   │   ├── beamsplitter.ipynb
│   │   ├── BellBS.ipynb
│   │   ├── coherentcomplex.ipynb
│   │   ├── coherentcomplextrainingCOV.ipynb
│   │   ├── coherentcomplextrainingDER.ipynb
│   │   ├── coherentcomplextraining.ipynb
│   │   ├── coherent.ipynb
│   │   ├── differentiallayer.ipynb
│   │   ├── phasemodulator.ipynb
│   │   ├── photoncountinglayer.ipynb
│   │   ├── singlemodesqueezerBS.ipynb
│   │   ├── singlemodesqueezer.ipynb
│   │   ├── symplectic.ipynb
│   │   ├── testGaussianLayer.ipynb
│   │   ├── twolayersreservoir.ipynb
│   │   ├── twomodesqueezer.ipynb
│   │   └── uncertainty.ipynb
│   ├── quantumfeaturemap
│   │   ├── coherentstate.ipynb
│   │   ├── kernelexample.ipynb
│   │   ├── QAOATwoQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb
│   │   ├── QuantumKernelMachineQubits.ipynb
│   │   ├── QuantumNeuralStateTwoQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb
│   │   ├── QubitsDensityMatrix.ipynb
│   │   ├── QubitsGym.ipynb
│   │   ├── QubitsMap.ipynb
│   │   ├── SingleQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb
│   │   ├── squeezedvacuum.ipynb
│   │   ├── TensorsAndVectors.ipynb
│   │   └── TwoQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb
│   └── soliton
│       ├── BoseHubbardNNT.ipynb
│       ├── BoseHubbardTwinNNT.ipynb
│       ├── BoseHubbardTwinNNTVersusN.ipynb
│       ├── modelSingleSoliton.png
│       └── modelTwin.png
├── LICENSE.txt
├── mathematica
│   ├── noncommutative.nb
│   ├── SingleQubitTransverseIsing.nb
│   ├── SingleQubitTransverseIsing.pdf
│   ├── tensorgaussian.nb
│   ├── TwoQubitTransverseIsing.nb
│   └── TwoQubitTransverseIsing.pdf
├── matlabsymbolic
│   ├── beamsplitter.m
│   ├── entanglementBS.m
│   ├── plot_entanglement_BS.m
│   ├── RqRpJ.m
│   ├── squeezedoperator.m
│   ├── test_RqRp.m
│   └── twomodesqueezedoperator.m
├── pyproject.toml
├── thqml
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── thqml.bib


See the book Quantum Machine Learning

Code per chapter

Chapter 1

  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/kernelexample.ipynb Page 13 Example of generation of dataset and with scikit-lean

Chapter 2

  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/coherentstate.ipynb Page 33 Feature mapping by coherent state
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/squeezedvacuum.ipynb page 38 feature mapping by squeezed state

Chapter 3

  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QubitsMap.ipynb page 52 defining Qubits in TensorFlow
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/TensorsAndVectors.ipynb page 56 defining and manipulating tensors and vectors
  • thqml/ page 61 main library with qubit functions
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QubitsMap.ipynb page 61 (continue) qubits feature mapping
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QubitsGym.ipynb page 64 more on qubits and tensors
  • thqml/ page 68 (continue) main library with qubit functions
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QubitsMap.ipynb page 74 (continue) qubits feature mapping
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QuantumKernelMachineQubits.ipynb page 79 quantum kernel machine with qubits

Chapter 4

  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/SingleQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb page 89 Transverse Field Ising Model with a Single Qubit
  • mathematica/SingleQubitTransverseIsing.nb MATHEMATICA page 90 Analytical results on the single qubit transverse field Ising model
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/SingleQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb page 92 (continue) Transverse Field Ising Model with a Single Qubit
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/SingleQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb page 99 (continue) Transverse Field Ising Model with a Single Qubit

Chapter 5

  • mathematica/TwoQubitTransverseIsing.nb MATHEMATICA page 104 Analytical results on the two-qubit transverse field Ising model
  • mathematica/TwoQubitTransverseIsing.nb MATHEMATICA page 105 (continue) Analytical results on the two-qubit transverse field Ising model
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QubitsDensityMatrix.ipynb page 114 Computing the density matrix with qubits
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QubitsDensityMatrix.ipynb page 118 (continue) Computing the density matrix with qubits
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QubitsDensityMatrix.ipynb page 132 (continue) Computing the density matrix with qubits
  • mathematica/TwoQubitTransverseIsing.nb MATHEMATICA page 133 (continue) Analytical results on the two-qubit transverse field Ising model

Chapter 6

  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/TwoQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb page 139 Transverse Field Ising Model with Two Qubit
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QAOATwoQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb page 152 Transverse Field Ising Model with Two Qubit with Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm
  • jupyternotebooks/quantumfeaturemap/QuantumNeuralStateTwoQubitTransverseFieldIsing.ipynb page 157 Transverse Field Ising Model with Two Qubit with Quantum Neural State

Chapter 7

  • matlabsymbolic/test_Rqpm.m MATLAB page 188 Symbolic relations of projection matrices
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/symplectic.ipynb page 189 Test of projection matrices in jupyter
  • thqml/ page 190 main library with phasespace functions
  • thqml/ page 191 (continue) main library with phasespace functions

Chapter 8

  • thqml/ page 196 (continue) main library with phasespace functions
  • thqml/ page 199 (continue) main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/testGaussianLayer.ipynb page 199 Test of the Gaussian layer
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/testGaussianLayer.ipynb page 200 (continue) Test of the Gaussian layer
  • thqml/ page 205 (continue) main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/coherent.ipynb page 209 Neural network representation of a coherent state
  • thqml/ page 210 (continue) main library with phasespace functions

Chapter 9

  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/coherent.ipynb page 216 (continue) Neural network representation of a coherent state
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/coherentcomplex.ipynb page 217 Coherent state in a complex medium
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/coherentcomplex.ipynb page 219 (continue) Coherent state in a complex medium
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/coherentcomplextraining.ipynb page 219 Coherent state in a complex medium with training
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/coherentcomplextraining.ipynb page 221 (continue) Coherent state in a complex medium with training
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/coherentcomplextraining.ipynb page 222 (continue) Coherent state in a complex medium with training
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/coherentcomplextrainingDER.ipynb page 225 Coherent state in a complex medium with training with derivatives
  • thqml/ page 226 (continue) main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/coherentcomplextrainingCOV.ipynb page 227 Coherent state in a complex medium with training with covariance
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/twolayersreservoir.ipynb page 230 Two trainable interferometer and a reservoir
  • thqml/ page 231 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/phasemodulator.ipynb page 232 Phase modulator model

Chapter 10

  • matlabsymbolic/squeezeoperator.m MATLAB page 237 Matrix representation of the squeeze operator in MATLAB
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/singlemodesquezer.ipynb page 237 Single-mode squeezer model
  • thqml/ page 238 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/singlemodesquezer.ipynb page 240 (continue) Single-mode squeezer model
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/singlemodesquezer.ipynb page 243 (continue) Single-mode squeezer model
  • matlabsymbolic/squeezeoperator.m MATLAB page 244 Matrix representation of the two-mode squeeze operator in MATLAB
  • thqml/ page 245 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/twomodesquezer.ipynb page 247 Two-mode squeezer model
  • matlabsymbolic/beamsplitter.m MATLAB page 248 Matrix representation of the beam splitter operator in MATLAB
  • thqml/ page 248 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/beamsplitter.ipynb page 251 Beam splitter model
  • thqml/ page 251 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/photoncountinglayer.ipynb page 252 Example 1 with a photon counting layer
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/BellBS.ipynb page 254 Example 2 with a photon counting layer
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/photoncounting.ipynb page 254 Example 3 with a photon counting layer
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/BellBS.ipynb page 255 (continue) Example 4 with a photon counting layer and beam splitter

Chapter 11

  • thqml/ page 263 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/uncertainty.ipynb page 264 Example in using Laplacian layer for computing uncertainty
  • thqml/ page 265 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/uncertainty.ipynb page 267 (continue) Example in using Laplacian layer for computing uncertainty
  • thqml/ page 267 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/uncertainty.ipynb page 269 (continue) Example in using Laplacian layer for computing uncertainty
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/uncertainty.ipynb page 272 (continue) Example in using Laplacian layer for computing uncertainty
  • mathematica/noncommutative.nb MATHEMATICA page 275 Mathematica example on non commutative operators
  • mathematica/tensorgaussian.nb MATHEMATICA page 276 Mathematica example on tensors for Gaussian states
  • thqml/ page 279 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/differentiallayer.ipynb page 282 Example of use of differential layer in computing uncertainty
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/BellBS.ipynb page 284 (continue) Example 4 with a photon counting layer and beam splitter
  • jupyternotebooks/phasespace/singlemodesqueezerBS.ipynb page 287 Model with single mode squeezer and beam splitter with entanglement
  • thqml/ page 287 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions

Chapter 12

  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample1.ipynb page 305 Example 1 with boson sampling
  • thqml/ page 309 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample1.ipynb page 310 Example 1 with boson sampling, GBS on single model coherent state
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample2.ipynb page 312 Example 2 with boson sampling, GBS on single mode squeezed state
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample3.ipynb page 314 Example 3 with boson sampling, GBS on multi-mode (two modes) coherent states
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample4.ipynb page 316 Example 4 with boson sampling, GBS on multi-mode (two modes) squezed and coherent states with transform layer
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample4b.ipynb page 316 Example 4b with boson sampling, GBS on multi-mode (two modes) squezed and coherent states with random layer
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample5.ipynb page 318 Example 5 with boson sampling, GBS Haar interferometer and multimode squeezed vacuum
  • thqml/ page 319 (continue) Main library with phasespace functions
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample6.ipynb page 321 Example 6 with boson sampling, GBS Haar interferometer and multimode squeezed vacuum
    • Generates the following figures
      1. BosonSamplingExample6.pdf
      2. modelHaar.pdf
      3. BosonSamplingExample6ALL.pdf
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample6.ipynb page 324 (continue) Example 6 with boson sampling, GBS Haar interferometer and multimode squeezed vacuum
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample6.ipynb page 324 (continue) Example 6 with boson sampling, GBS Haar interferometer and multimode squeezed vacuum
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample7.ipynb page 329 Example 7 with boson sampling, GBS Haar and squeezer with training particle number
    • Generates the following figures
      1. modelBS7.png
      2. modelBS7.pdf
      3. BS7pairsnotraining.pdf
      4. BS7quaternotraining.pdf
      5. BS7ALLnotraining.pdf
      6. BS7traininghistory.pdf
      7. BS7pairstrained.pdf
      8. BS7quatertrained.pdf
      9. BS7ALLtrained.pdf
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample8.ipynb page 336 Example 8 with boson sampling, GBS Haar and squeezing training particle number and squeezing parameters
  • jupyternotebooks/bosonsamplingexample/BosonSamplingExample9.ipynb page 336 Example 9 with boson sampling, GBS Haar and squeezing training on differential particle number

Chapter 13

  • thqml/ page 348 Library with functions for quantum manybody and solitons
  • thqml/ page 354 (continue) Library with functions for quantum manybody and solitons
  • jupyternotebooks/soliton/BoseHubbardNNT.ipynb page 356 Model for the ground state of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian
  • thqml/ page 361 (continue) Library with functions for quantum manybody and solitons
  • jupyternotebooks/soliton/BoseHubbardTwinNNT.ipynb page 362 Model Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian with two solitons
  • jupyternotebooks/soliton/BoseHubbardTwinNNTVersusN.ipynb page 362 Model Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian with two solitons versus N


Thinking-Quantum-Machine-Learning code repository



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