mherrb / apptainer-ros-naoqi

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Apptainer container to run the ROS/naoqi bridge

Aldebaran has stopped maintaining the ROS/naoqi bridge and the latest available versions only support ROS melodic / python 2.7 on Ubuntu 18.04.

This repository provides a container definition file for Apptainer that allows to run this code on newer systems.

Building the container

  1. Install Apptainer 1.1.6 (or any newer version) if not already done

  2. Run:

apptainer build melodic-naoqi.sif melodic-naoqi.def

Running the bridge

  1. start a ROS master on your machine

  2. run:

export NAO_IP=<robot_ip>
export MYIP=<workstation ip>
export MYINTERFACE=<workstation interface>

to run the naoqi driver

Interacting with the container

To launch a tmux environment in the container run:

apptainer exec melodic-naoqi.sif tmux

The ROS workspace in located in /pepper in the container. Some sample commands:

source /pepper/devel/setup.bash
rosrun pepper_utils scripts/
