mheidari988 / MinimalApis.Extensions

A set of extensions and helpers for working with ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of extensions and helpers that extend the functionality of ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs.



Prerelease Builds

This package is currently available in prerelease from

> dotnet add package MinimalApis.Extensions --prerelease

CI Builds

If you wish to use builds from this repo's main branch you can install them from this repo's package feed.

  1. Create a personal access token for your GitHub account with the read:packages scope with your desired expiration length:


  2. At the command line, navigate to your user profile directory and run the following command to add the package feed to your NuGet configuration, replacing the <GITHUB_USER_NAME> and <PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN> placeholders with the relevant values:

    ~> dotnet nuget add source -n GitHub -u <GITHUB_USER_NAME> -p <PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>
  3. You should now be able to add a reference to the package specifying a version from the repository packages feed

  4. See these instructions for further details about working with GitHub package feeds

Getting Started

  1. Install the NuGet package into your ASP.NET Core project:
    > dotnet add package MinimalApis.Extensions --prerelease
  2. In your project's Program.cs, call the AddEndpointsMetadataProviderApiExplorer() method on builder.Services to enable enhanced endpoint metadata in ApiExplorer:
    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    builder.Services.AddEndpointsMetadataProviderApiExplorer(); // <-- Add this line
  3. Update your Minimal APIs to use the helper binding and result types from this library, e.g.:
    app.MapPost("/todos", async Task<Results<ValidationProblem, Created<Todo>>> (Validated<Todo> input, TodoDb db) =>
        if (!input.IsValid)
            return Results.Extensions.ValidationProblem(input.Errors);
        var todo = input.Value;
        await db.SaveChangesAsync();
        return Results.Extensions.Created($"/todos/{todo.Id}", todo);

What's Included?

This library provides types that help extend the core functionality of ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs in the following ways:

  • Enhanced parameter binding
  • Typed IResult objects for easier unit testing (available via Results.Extensions)
  • Automatic population of detailed endpoint descriptions in Swagger/OpenAPI via the ability for input and result types to add to endpoint metadata via IProvideEndpointParameterMetadata and IProvideEndpointResponseMetadata
  • Union IResult return types via Results<TResult1, TResultN> that enable route handler delegates to declare all the possible IResult types they can return, enabling compile-time type checking and automatic population of possible responses in Swagger/OpenAPI

Sample Projects

An example Todos application using ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs and the Dapper library for data storage in SQLite.

Contains small examples for other types in this library.

Shows many examples of using the types in this library along with other things related to ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs.


A set of extensions and helpers for working with ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%