Python module to access status information provided by ABUS Secvest alarm system by using non-official REST API.
The current version was just written 'quick and dirty', so it does only provide read-only features. Please do not use it in production unless you know what you're doing. PySecvest uses the same authentification as the web client prodived by ABUS.
I have tested PySecvest with the current Abus Secvest (FUAA50000) with the firmware verion v.1.00.00. May be it is also compatible with other versions, but I can't test it. Please let me know, if you used it with Secvest 2WAY or Secvest IP sucessfully.
from secvest import Secvest
secvest = Secvest(hostname="", username="Administrator", password="123456")
# Get system info
print secvest.get_system()
# Get a list of partitions
print secvest.get_partitions()
# Get info about partition 1
print secvest.get_partition(1)
# Get all zones assignedto partition 1
print secvest.get_zones_by_partition(1)
# Logout from secvest
- get_system()
- get_partition(partition=[1-4])
- get_partitions()
- get_zones_by_partition(partition=[1-4])
- logout
ABUS uses unusual way to authenticate the user within the web client. When opening the web interface the landing page is /sec_login.cgi
, providing a login form. After entering the user data, it will be send via HTTP POST
to /sec_login.cgi
The Secvest will fill a hidden input field with a SSID, from within the client a cookie with the SSID will be set.
The user can be also authenticated by using Basic Auth, without setting the cookie but request take longer (about five times longer). POST
ing wrong credentials on /sec_login.cgi
will cause an alarm, by using Basic Auth there seems not to be any limitation.