mhahnFr / 42cursus-Philosophers

A simulation of the dining philosophers problem.

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Welcome to 42cursus-Philosophers!

This repository contains a project of the 42 school. The goal of this project is to write a small application simulating the famous Dining philosophers problem. It has to be simulated with one thread representing one philosopher.


My approach is object-orientied: the application has a delegate object containing all informations such as the timeout values, which also holds an array of philosopher objects. Each philosopher object contains the thread it is running in as well as a fork object. A fork object consists of the status of the fork and a mutex in order to protect the access to it.

After parsing the arguments, all threads are created and started. This happens inside of a mutex in order to prevent the threads from starting the simulation. Once all threads have been created, the simulation starts. Before something is printed, it is checked wether the simulation is still ongoing. If that is not the case, the thread will terminate.

The main thread acts as a supervisor: if the number of times each philosopher has to eat is set, the value of full philosophers in the delegate object is observed. Once all philosophers are full, the flag for the threads to stop is set, and all threads are joined by the main thread. If the meal count is not set, all threads are directly joined by the main thread.

Upon termination of all philosopher threads, the application exites.


Launch the executable with 4 or 5 arguments: ./philo 8 410 200 200 5.

The arguments are described as follows:

  • 8 (count): The number of philosophers to be simulated.
  • 410 (time_to_die): The time after which a philosopher dies, if he was not able to eat in the meantime.
  • 200 (time_to_eat): The time each philosopher needs to eat.
  • 200 (time_to_sleep): The time each philosopher is sleeping after his meal.
  • 5 (meal_count): The number of times each philosopher has to eat. Once all philosophers have eaten that amount of times, the simulation stops. If this argument is not set, the simulaion will stop upon the death of a philosopher.

All times are treated as milliseconds.

Final notes

This repository contains the solutions I submitted in the 42 school. It will not be developed further.

As all other C projects at the 42 school, the code has to written in accordance with the norm:

  • Only 25 lines per function,
  • only 5 functions per file,
  • usage of only the allowed external functions.

© Copyright 2022 mhahnFr


A simulation of the dining philosophers problem.


Language:C 92.3%Language:Makefile 7.7%