mgussekloo / laravel-facet-filter

Facet filtering for Laravel projects, fully customizable, batteries included.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Laravel Facet Filter

This package provides simple facet filtering (sometimes called Faceted Search or Faceted Navigation) in Laravel projects. It helps narrow down query results based on the attributes of your models.

  • Free, no dependencies
  • No complex queries to write
  • Easy to extend



Feel free to contribute to this package, either by creating a pull request or reporting an issue.


This package can be installed through Composer.

composer require mgussekloo/laravel-facet-filter

Prepare your project

Publish and run the migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="facet-filter-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Update your models

Add a Facettable trait and a facetDefinitions() method to models that should support facet filtering.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use Mgussekloo\FacetFilter\Traits\Facettable;

class Product extends Model
	use HasFactory;
	use Facettable;

	public static function facetDefinitions()
		// Return an array of definitions
		return [
				'title' => 'Main color', // The title will be used for the parameter.
				'fieldname' => 'color' // Model property from which to get the values.
				'title' => 'Sizes',
				'fieldname' => '' // Use dot notation to get the value from related models.

Build the index

Before you can start filtering you will have to build an index. There's an Indexer included.

use Mgussekloo\FacetFilter\Indexer;

$products = Product::with(['sizes'])->get(); // get some products

$indexer = new Indexer();
$indexer->resetIndex(); // clears the index
$indexer->buildIndex($products); // process the models

Get results

Apply the facet filter to a query

$filter = request()->all(); // use the request parameters
$filter = ['main-color' => ['green']]; // (or provide your own array)

$products = Product::facetsMatchFilter($filter)->get();

Build the frontend

$facets = Product::getFacets();

/* You can filter and sort like any regular Laravel collection. */
$singleFacet = $facets->firstWhere('fieldname', 'color');

/* Find out stuff about the facet. */
$paramName = $singleFacet->getParamName(); // "main-color"
$options = $singleFacet->getOptions();

Options look like this:
	'value' => 'Red',
	'selected' => false,
	'total' => 3,
	'slug' => 'color_red',
	'http_query' => 'main-color%5B1%5D=red&sizes%5B0%5D=small'

Basic frontend example

Here's a simple demo project that demonstrates a basic frontend.

<div class="flex">
	<div class="w-1/4 flex-0">
		@foreach ($facets as $facet)
				<h3>{{ $facet->title }}</h3>

				@foreach ($facet->getOptions() as $option)
					<a href="?{{ $option->http_query }}" class="{{ $option->selected ? 'underline' : '' }}">{{ $option->value }} ({{ $option->total }}) </a><br />
			</p><br />
	<div class="w-3/4">
		@foreach ($products as $product)
				<h1>{{ $product->name }} ({{ $product->sizes->pluck('name')->join(', ') }})</h1>
				{{ $product->color }}<br /><br />

Livewire example

This is how it could look like with Livewire.

@foreach ($facet->getOptions() as $option)
	<div class="facet-checkbox-pill">
			wire:model="filter.{{ $facet->getParamName() }}"
			id="{{ $option->slug }}"
			value="{{ $option->value }}"
		<label for="{{ $option->slug }}" class="{{ $option->selected ? 'selected' : '' }}">
			{{ $option->value }} ({{ $option->total }})


Advanced indexing

Extend the Indexer to customize behavior, e.g. to save a "range bracket" value instead of a "individual price" value to the index.

class CustomIndexer extends Mgussekloo\FacetFilter\Indexer
	public function buildRow($facet, $model, $value) {
		$row = parent::buildRow($facet, $model, $value);

		if ($facet->getSlug() == 'App\Models\Product.price') {
			if ($row['value'] > 0 && $row['value'] < 100) {
				$row['value'] = '0-100';

		return $row;

Process models in chunks for very large datasets.

$perPage = 1000; $currentPage = Cache::get('facetIndexingPage', 1);

$products = Product::with(['sizes'])->paginate($perPage, ['*'], 'page', $currentPage);
$indexer = new Indexer($products);

if ($currentPage == 1) {


if ($products->hasMorePages()) {}
	// next iteration, increase currentPage with one

Custom facets

Provide custom attributes and an optional custom Facet class in the facet definitions.

public static function facetDefinitions()
	return [
			'title' => 'Main color',
			'description' => 'The main color.',
			'fieldname' => 'color',
			'facet_class' => CustomFacet::class


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Facet filtering for Laravel projects, fully customizable, batteries included.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%