mgurzixo / vvf1

Simple template for using formio with vuejs2, vuex and vite

Repository from Github https://github.commgurzixo/vvf1Repository from Github https://github.commgurzixo/vvf1


A simple template using formio, vue2, vuex and vite.


  pnpm run dev # start dev server
  pnpm run build # build for production
  pnpm run serve # locally preview production build


  git clone ...
  cd vvf1
  pnpm install
  pnpm run dev

Add a textField with the builder, then test the form, see how the submission data and the form persist in the store, and how a database update is simulated with a 2 seconds timeout


  • degit is recommended instead of 'git clone' if you want to start a new project

  • CSS imports are tricky... cf. styles.scss

  • pnpm is great!


Simple template for using formio with vuejs2, vuex and vite


Language:Vue 46.1%Language:TypeScript 24.2%Language:CSS 9.1%Language:SCSS 8.8%Language:JavaScript 7.6%Language:HTML 4.3%