mgol / node-packager

Build a package for your library or application on the fly on Node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Why node-packager?

Use node-packager to generate the built package for your library or application.

It's ideal for applications that builds packages on the fly using Node.js.



function Package() {}

extend( Package.prototype, {

  // Shallow copy
  "LICENSE.txt": "LICENSE.txt",

  // Sync processing
  "app.css": function() {

    // Return a String or Buffer with the file data.
    return buildCss();

  // Async processing
  "app.js": function( callback ) {

    // Call `callback( error, data )`, where data is a String with the file data.
    buildJs( callback );

  "images/": function() {
    var files, imagesFiles;

    // this.files and this.runtime are available.
    if ( this.runtime.includeImages ) {
      files = this.files;
      imagesFiles = {};
      Object.keys( this.files ).filter(function( filepath ) {
        return minimatch( filepath, "src/images/*" );
      }).forEach(function( filepath ) {
        imagesFiles[ path.basename( filepath ) ] = files[ filepath ];
      return imagesFiles

    // Skip "images/" by returning null.
    return null;

module.exports = Package;

npm install node-packager

var fs = require( "js" );
var glob = require( "glob" );
var extend = require( "util" )._extend;
var Package = require( "./package" )
var Packager = require( "node-packager" );

var files = glob.sync( "+(LICENSE.txt|src/**)", { nodir: true } ).reduce(function( files, filepath ) {
  files[ filepath ] = fs.readFileSync( filepath );
  return files;
}, {} );

var pkg = Packager( files, Package, {
  includeImages: true
var stream = fs.createWriteStream( "" );
pkg.toZip( stream, function( error ) {
  if ( error ) {
    return console.error( error );
  console.log( "Built (" + pkg.stats.toZip.size + " bytes) in " + ( + pkg.stats.toZip.time ) + " ms" );
  console.log( "- app.js took " + pkg.stats[ "app.js" ].time + " ms" );


  • Packager( files, Package [, runtimeVars] )

files Object containing (path, data) key-value pairs, e.g.,

   <path-of-file-1>: <data-of-file-1>,
   <path-of-file-2>: <data-of-file-2>,

Files will be available on Package via this.files attribute.

Package Function/Class The Package class.

runtimeVars Object Optional object including runtime variables.

Runtime variables will be available on Package via this.runtime attribute.

  • Packager.prototype.toJson( callback )

callback Function called with two arguments: null or an Error object and the built files object.

  • Packager.prototype.toZip( target [, options], callback )

target Stream/String The target stream, or the target filename (when string).

options Object

options.basedir String Set the ZIP base directory.

callback Function called when write is complete, with one argument: null or an Error object.


npm test


MIT © Rafael Xavier de Souza


Build a package for your library or application on the fly on Node.js

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%