mgns / LSQ

LSQ: The Linked SPARQL Queries Dataset

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LSQ: The Linked SPARQL Queries Dataset

Building the command line client

Build the whole project with

mvn clean install

Build the command line client with

cd lsq-cli
mvn assembly:assembly

A self-contained jar is then located under lsq-cli/target/lsq-cli-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar You can run it with

java -cp `find . -name 'lsq*jar-with-dependencies.jar'` org.aksw.simba.lsq.cli.main.MainLSQ
alias lsq=java -cp `find {your-absolute-folder} -name 'lsq*jar-with-dependencies.jar'` org.aksw.simba.lsq.cli.main.MainLSQ

Building the debian package

This happends when you build the project (under lsq-debian-cli/target) You can conveniently install it with

sudo dpkg -i `find . -name '*.deb'`

####LSQ Homepage The Linked Dataset, a SPARQL endpoint, and complete dumps are all available on the LSQ homepage along with pointers a VoID description, example LSQ queries, and various other dataset assets.

Example usage

The following options exist:

Option                Description                                              
------                -----------                                              
-b, --base            Base URI for URI generation (default: http://lsq.aksw.   
-e, --endpoint        Local SPARQL service (endpoint) URL on which to execute  
                        queries (default: http://localhost:8890/sparql)        
-f, --file <File>     File containing input data                               
-g, --graph           Local graph(s) from which to retrieve the data           
-h, --head <Long>     Only process n entries starting from the top             
-l, --label           Label of the dataset, such as 'dbpedia' or 'lgd'. Will be
                        used in URI generation (default: mydata)               
-m, --format          Format of the input data. Available options: [virtuoso,  
                        apache] (default: apache)                              
-o, --output <File>   File where to store the output data.                     
-p, --public          Public endpoint URL - e.g.     
-r, --rdfizer         RDFizer selection: Any combination of the letters (e)    
                        xecution, (l)og and (q)uery (default: elq)             
-t, --timeout <Long>  Timeout in milliseconds                                  
-x, --experiment      URI of the experiment environment ```

From the repository root folder, run:

lsq \
  -f lsq-core/src/test/resources/swdf.apache.log \
  -e http://localhost:8890/sparql \
  -g \
  -l swdf \
  -b \
  -p \
  -h 10 \
  -r qel \
  -t 60000 \
  -o outfile.ttl
lsq \
  -f lsq-core/src/test/resources/dbpedia.virtuoso.log \
  -m virtuoso \
  -e http://localhost:8890/sparql \
  -g \
  -l swdf \
  -b \
  -p \
  -h 10 \
  -t 60000 \
  -r qel | rapper -i turtle -o ntriples - http://foo | sort -u > a.ttl


LSQ: The Linked SPARQL Queries Dataset


Language:Java 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%