mfrw / kg-generics

Exercises and solutions from the book 'Know Go: Generics'

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Know Go: Generics

This repository contains exercises, solutions, and code samples from the book Know Go: Generics, by John Arundel.

1. Generics

There are no exercises for this chapter. You can relax!

2. Type parameters

Read an online version of the chapter

  1. Hello, generics
  2. Group therapy
  3. Lengthy proceedings

3. Constraints

  1. Stringy beans
  2. A first approximation
  3. Greater love

4. Operations

  1. Product placement
  2. Duplicate keys

5. Types

  1. Empty promises

6. Functions

  1. Func to funky
  2. Compose yourself

7. Containers

  1. Stack overflow

8. Concurrency

  1. Channelling frustration

9. Libraries

  1. Contain your excitement
  2. Merging in turn

10. Questions

There are no exercises for this chapter. Why not enjoy a refreshing cup of tea?


Exercises and solutions from the book 'Know Go: Generics'

License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.1%Language:Shell 0.9%