mfreshmen / ansible-playbook-awxapiinventory

Example playbook that automates AWX REST API interactions to disable or remove a host from static inventory

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Ansible Playbook: awx-api-inventory

Example playbook that automates AWX REST API interactions to disable or remove a host from static inventory.

How does it works

  • Discover inventory id
  • Discover host id
  • Disable host in static inventory (if declared by variable)
  • Remove host in static inventory (if declared by variable)

For inventory id, by default it uses internal variables from Ansible Tower and AWX (e.g. awx_inventory_name).


Ansible Tower/AWX access.

Playbook Variables

The awx-api-inventory playbook is configured over variables starting with api_ as the name prefix.

List of variables:

Variable Type Description
api_awx_url string (m) AWX/Tower URL
api_awx_username string (m) AWX/Tower user name
api_awx_password string (m) AWX/Tower user password
api_awx_inventory string (m) AWX/Tower inventory name to be manage
api_inventory_disable boolean (o) Disable the managed host in inventory
api_inventory_remove boolean (o) Remove the managed host from inventory

(m) - mandatory
(o) - optional

Explained list of variables:

  • api_awx_url: AWX/Tower URL

    type: string

    affected files: n/a


    api_awx_url: ""
  • api_awx_username: AWX/Tower user name

    type: string

    affected files: n/a


    api_awx_username: admin
  • api_awx_password: AWX/Tower user password

    type: string

    affected files: n/a


    api_awx_password: mypassword
  • api_awx_inventory: AWX/Tower inventory name to be managed, default value is dynamic

    type: string

    affected files: n/a


    api_awx_inventory: Example Inventory
  • api_inventory_disable: disable the managed node in inventory

    type: boolean

    affected files: n/a


    api_inventory_disable: no
  • api_inventory_remove: remove the managed node from inventory

    type: boolean

    affected files: n/a


    api_inventory_remove: no



Author Information

This playbook was created in 2019 by Cláudio Domingos


Example playbook that automates AWX REST API interactions to disable or remove a host from static inventory

License:MIT License