mfisher911 / check_ports

Nagios plugin originally written by Matthias Kellerman to monitor the local copy of the FreeBSD ports tree for updates and monitor installed packages for security vulnerabilities

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nagios plugin to monitor the local FreeBSD ports tree for updates or known security vulnerabilities in installed packages.

check_ports can be called without arguments. The default behaviour
is to check installed packages against portaudit on FreeBSD <= 9.x
or pkg audit on FreeBSD >= 10.x for known security vulnerabilites:

PORTS OK - 0 security problem(s).

If a security problem is found the returned state will change to Critical:

PORTS CRITICAL - 2 security problem(s).

If you are running FreeBSD <= 9.x and have switched to using pkg(8)
use the -g option to have check_ports use the pkg(8) suite of tools
instead of the legacy pkg_* tools and portaudit:

./check_ports -g
PORTS OK - 0 security problem(s).

If you want to monitor all of your installed packages for updates use the -a option.
This won't change the returned state to Warning if updates are available:

./check_ports -a
PORTS OK - 0 security problem(s), 1 Package(s) available for upgrade.

If you want to monitor all of your installed packages for updates
and have a Warning state returned if updates are available use the -w option:

./check_ports -w
PORTS WARNING - 0 security problem(s), 1 Package(s) available for upgrade.

If you want to monitor all of your installed packages for security
vulnerabilites and have a Critical state returned if vulnerable
packages are found, use the -s option:

PORTS CRITICAL - 1 security problem(s), 3 Package(s) available for upgrade. | total_updates=3;0;0 security_problems=1;0;0

If you want to monitor the age of the local ports tree use the -p option.
This will return a Warning state if the local ports tree is older than 24 hours:

./check_ports -p
PORTS WARNING - 0 security problem(s), 0 Package(s) available for upgrade, Ports Tree older than 24h.

To monitor installed packages on a jail within your system
use the -j option along with the name of the jail.
You must have copies of /usr/ports/INDEX-* and /var/db/pkg/vuln.xml in your jail:

./check_ports -j jailname
PORTS OK - 0 security problem(s).

Please check the plugin's help message (-h option) for additional information.


Nagios plugin originally written by Matthias Kellerman to monitor the local copy of the FreeBSD ports tree for updates and monitor installed packages for security vulnerabilities


Language:Shell 100.0%