mffrench / fabric-common

not a fork of official fabric-common

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

Current version 1.4.6


  • docker: 17.06.2-ce +
  • docker-compose: 1.14.0 +
  • golang: 1.12.x
  • fabric-node-sdk:
    • nodejs: 10.x
    • npm: 6 +
    • Python: 2.7

Mono repository division

Design Notes

  • CICD: using travis


  • [1.2]
    • [privateData]
  • [1.4]
    • [Operations][healthz][metrics][logLevel]
    • [raft]
    • [1.4.3][orderer][FAB-7559] apply new ordering service endpoints config structure


  • [connectionProfile]A connection profile is normally created by an administrator who understands the network topology.
  • if random result is included in WriteSet, it corrupts the deterministic process.
  • instantiate/upgrade could be where data migration is performed, if necessary
  • [keystore] For private keys existing in local file system, you should set the permissions to 0400 on *nix based OS’s.
  • [gRpcs][docker network] host name SHOULD not include upper-case character, otherwise gRpcs ping for discovery_client will not response back with docker network DNS
  • [query]blockHeight(got from queryChain) indexing from 1, blockNumber in blockEvent starting from 0
  • [reference]playback conference:
  • [channel]txId is required in peer join channel because: [bret Harrison]There is a transaction proposal to the system chaincode, so a transaction id is required.
  • [channel][orderer] individual properties may be overridden by setting environment variables, such as CONFIGTX_ORDERER_ORDERERTYPE=kafka.
  • [channel][system] peer could not join system channel [Orderer.js]: sendDeliver - rejecting - status:FORBIDDEN
  • [channel]channel ID length < 250 :initializing configtx manager failed: bad channel ID: channel ID illegal, cannot be longer than 249
  • [proposalResponse] instantiate|upgrade action return a response payload with struct ChaincodeData. See in protobuf message description file
  • [disaster]backup recovery: at least 1 anchor peer for each organization should be resumed to recover transaction process
  • [couchdb]error symptom of run richQuery on levelDB: GET_QUERY_RESULT failed: transaction ID: 6b53220f87f791047ba44635f32d07cb667b6439c5df95e9a208d74ab12b5ff2: ExecuteQuery not supported for leveldb
  • [raft] etcdraft does not support non TLS
    • Raft nodes identify each other using TLS pinning, so in order to impersonate a Raft node, an attacker needs to obtain the private key of its TLS certificate. As a result, it is not possible to run a Raft node without a valid TLS configuration.
    • [orderer.common.server] initializeClusterClientConfig -> PANI 004 TLS is required for running ordering nodes of type etcdraft.
    • ClientTLSCert, ServerTLSCert in configtx.yaml have to be aligned with orderer environment set:
              General.Cluster.ClientCertificate = ""
              General.Cluster.ClientPrivateKey = ""
              General.Cluster.RootCAs = []
      otherwise it will say:
      I do not belong to channel testchainid or am forbidden pulling it (not in the channel), skipping chain retrieval
  • [raft] Each channel has its own RAFT orderer cluster, but system channel should have a super set of all orderer cluster -- Jay Guo
  • [raft][migrate] migrate from kafka to etcdRaft, see here
  • [solo][FAB-15754] Deploy a single-node Raft-based ordering service instead of using solo consensus type
  • [Replay Attack] txID replay validation is done by orderer, the duplicated txID could not be found at next block marked as "invalid transaction"

Notes: ChannelEventHub

  • for application channel
    • The first block could be replayed is not the channel genesis block (available from Channel.getGenesisBlock), but the one after, which is block.header.number='1'.

Notes: Private Data

  • [privateData]requirePeerCount <= peerCount - 1 (1 for peer itself)
  • [privateData]"2-of" collectionPolicy is not allowed
  • [privateData]private data work only after manually set anchor peers
  • [privateData]Note that collections cannot be deleted, as there may be prior private data hashes on the channel’s blockchain that cannot be removed.
  • [privateData]call await stub.putPrivateData('any', "key", 'value'); without setup collection Config or in Init step:
    Error: collection config not define for namespace [node]
    See also in
  • [privateData] collectionConfig.memberOnlyRead
    • expected symptom: Error: GET_STATE failed: transaction ID: 35175d5ac4ccaa44ad77257a25caca5999c1a70fdee27174f0b7d9df1c39cfe5: tx creator does not have read access permission on privatedata in chaincodeName:diagnose collectionName: private
  • [privateData] private data will automatic sync on new peer(process last for seconds)

Notes: Chaincode

  • [chaincode]peer.response in chaincode.Init cannot be recovered from proposal response. stub.GetState is meaningless in Init

  • [chaincode]transient map context keep persistent when cross chaincode

  • [chaincode]it is allowed that chaincode invoker creator, target peers belongs to differed organization.

  • [chaincode]chaincode name is not a secret, we can use combination of discovery service and query chaincode installed on peer to get them all

  • [chaincode]chaincode upgrade could not replace instantiate for fabric-sdk-node: Error: could not find chaincode with name 'diagnose'

  • [chaincode][nodejs]nodejs chaincode take longer time in install chaincode only.

  • [chaincode][nodejs][FAB-9287] devDependencies and offline chaincode instantiate is not supported yet

  • [chaincode][nodejs][contract-api] later contract in index#exports.contracts array will overlap to previous one, similar as Object.assign()

  • [chaincode][nodejs][contract-api] multiple contract in index.js: for invoke function code split

    • contract name: defined in subclass of Contract constructor super(`${contractName}`)
    • function namespace division: :
    • ledger data is integral for multiple contract
  • [chaincode][nodejs][contract-api] minimum package.json

      "main": "index.js", 
      "scripts": {
          "start": "fabric-chaincode-node start"
      "dependencies": {
          "fabric-contract-api": "^1.4.4",
          "fabric-shim": "^1.4.4"

    property "name", "version" is useless

  • [chaincode] call await stub.putPrivateData('anyCollection', "key", 'value'); without setup collection Config or in Init step:
    Error: collection config not define for namespace See in

  • [chaincode][system]System chaincodes are intended to be invoked by a client rather than by a user chaincode

  • [chaincode][golang] failed to invoke chaincode name:"lscc" , error: API error (400): OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "exec: \"chaincode\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

    • means package name for golang-chaincode entrance is not main
  • [chaincode][endorsement]chaincode partial update: when not all peers upgrade to latest chaincode, is it possible that old chaincode still work with inappropriate endorsement config; while with appropriate endorsement policy, we get chaincode fingerprint mismatch error

  • [chaincode][system] System chaincodes are intended to be invoked by a client rather than by a user chaincode. Invoking from a user chaincode may cause deadlocks. See here

  • [chaincode][instantiate policy]

    • instantiate policy is not endorsemnet policy, it is used during chaincode packaging/install determining who is able to instantiate/upgrade chaincode, it is partially supported in nodejs with chaincode package binary(byte[]) as input.
    • to customize instantiate policy, we reply on peer chaincode package

Notes: Operations


  • [logLevel] logspec:{"spec":"chaincode=debug:info"}, the logger is in debug mode and level is info.

  • [healthz] In the current version, the only health check that is registered is for Docker.

  • [metrics][TLS] the TLS enable flag located in Operations section

  • [metrics][TLS] for peer and orderer, even ...OPERATIONS_TLS_CLIENTAUTHREQUIRED=false, client side key-cert is still

    • required on endpoints: /metrics, /logspec
    • but not required on endpoints /healthz, /version

    See details in FAB-14323

  • [metrics] The /metrics endpoint allows operators to utilize Prometheus to pull operational metrics from peer and orderer nodes.


  • npm couchdb-dump in nodejs/
  • level db navigator( or and richQuery for leveldb;leveldb analyzer
  • NodeOUs enable and intermediate CA
  • channelEventHub.disconnect status sync
  • make use of npm jsrsasign
  • make use of softHSM in node-sdk
  • replace some function in query.js with system chaincode

Fabric weakness

  • fabric RSA key support:

    • not supported as peer|orderer keystore
  • new Feature required: GetPrivateStateByRangeWithPagination:

  • async or not: CryptoSuite importKey

  • [1.4] Channel#getChannelConfigFromOrderer could not specify target orderer

  • client.newTransactionID(); --> new TransactionID(Identity,isAdmin)

  • create docker env manager to convert a env jsObject to env list(having same key checking)

  • [go mod support]lib/packager/Golang.js could not support project outside of GoPath (as usually in go mod)

    • const projDir = path.join(goPath, 'src', chaincodePath);



not a fork of official fabric-common

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 86.4%Language:Shell 7.4%Language:Java 5.7%Language:Go 0.6%