mfeherpataky / stubby

Source Code for Stubby the Hexapod

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Source Code for Stubby the Hexapod ( or

Repository includes AVR source code, KiCAD schematics + routed PCBs, frame design (.dxf for cutting on a scroll saw, laser cutter, CNC, etc), python programs for calibration and control, etc. Please visit the web pages for more information and build instructions.


Source Code for Stubby the Hexapod


Language:Eagle 35.6%Language:C 34.1%Language:C++ 12.8%Language:Python 6.1%Language:Java 5.7%Language:Makefile 1.7%Language:Prolog 1.7%Language:Processing 1.5%Language:Assembly 0.5%Language:XML 0.3%