mfbx9da4 / stripe-sca-subscription-react

React Stripe Elements Subscription with SCA Starter

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Stripe SCA Subscriptions Example

To demo how to implement stripe SCA using react and node.









  1. Upgrade stripe
  2. Upgrade stripejs (server)
  3. Upgrade stripe-react-elements
  4. Upgrade stripejs (web)
  5. Create subscriptions in dashboard

Integrate Stripe

  1. Setup the intent
  2. Authenticate with 3D secure
  3. Attach payment method to customer
  4. Start subscription

TODO: Include links from overview


  1. Upgrade to latest version of stripe in the dashboard. 2019-09-09 or later.

Upgraded stripe version

  1. Use the latest version of stripe nodejs library.
npm uninstall stripe -S ; npm install stripe -S
# or if you use yarn 
yarn remove stripe ; yarn add stripe 
  1. Use latest version of react-stripe-elements.
npm uninstall react-stripe-elements -S ; npm install react-stripe-elements -S
# or if you use yarn 
yarn remove react-stripe-elements ; yarn add react-stripe-elements 
  1. Use latest version of client side stripe. If you are already using stripe make sure to update it. If you are starting fresh, we'll include it later in the tutorial, so don't worry about including it now!
<script src=""></script>
  1. In the dashboard, create a subscription plan or do it programmatically. If you have a subscription it should look a bit like this in the dashboard. Jot down the ID shown in the image for later.

dashboard subscription

Activate SCA

It requires these four steps

  1. Setup the intent
  2. Authenticate with 3D secure
  3. Attach payment method to customer
  4. Start subscription

1. Setup the intent

1a. Setup the intent (react)

Let's create a reusable CardElement which will always use SCA.

class _SCACardElement extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      clientSecret: null,
      error: null
    // We expose this so that when the form is submitted we can
    // do 3D Secure from the parent 

  async componentDidMount() {
    try {
      let clientSecret = await api.createSetupIntent({
        payment_method_types: ['card']
      this.setState({ clientSecret, disabled: false })
    } catch (err) {
      this.setState({ error: err.message })
  handleCardSetup = async () => this.props.stripe.handleCardSetup(this.state.clientSecret)

  render() {
    const { error } = this.state
    return (
        {error && <div className='error' key='SetupIntentError'>Setup Intent Error: {error}</div>}

_SCACardElement.propTypes = {
  getHandleCardSetupRef: PropTypes.func.isRequired

const Card = injectStripe(_SCACardElement)

1b. Setup the intent (server)

Re'/setup_intents', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const { options } = req.body
    const intent = await stripe.setupIntents.create(options)
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('SetupIntent err', err)

2. Authenticate with 3D secure

On submit of the form we call handlCardSetup to trigger the SCA modal. A successful handleCardSetup will get us a paymentMethodId.

class _CardForm extends React.Component {
  state = {
    error: null,
    disabled: true,
    succeeded: false,
    processing: false,
    message: null

  handleSubmit = async ev => {
    this.setState({ disabled: true, processing: true })
    const paymentMethodId = await this.handleCardSetup()
    // Do something with the paymentMethodId ...
  handleCardSetup = async () => {
    const payload = await this.handleCardSetupRef()
    if (payload.error) {
      console.log('Handle Card Setup error', payload.error)
      return this.setState({
        error: `Handle Card Setup failed: ${payload.error.message}`,
        disabled: false
    console.log('Setup intent', payload.setupIntent)
      message: `Setup succeeded! SetupIntent is in state: ${payload.setupIntent.status}`,
      error: null
    return payload.setupIntent.payment_method

  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
          Use 4000002500003155 to test 3D secure.{' '}
          <a href="">More cards</a>.

        <Card getHandleCardSetupRef={ref => this.handleCardSetupRef = ref} />

        {this.state.error && <div key='error' className="error">{this.state.error}</div>}
        {this.state.message && <div key='message' className="message">{this.state.message}</div>}

        {!this.state.succeeded && (
          <button disabled={this.state.disabled}>
            {this.state.processing ? 'Processing…' : 'Start trial'}

3. Attach payment method to customer

Now that we have our paymentMethodId we can attach it to the user and start the subscription.

class _CardForm extends React.Component {
  state = {
    error: null,
    disabled: true,
    succeeded: false,
    processing: false,
    message: null

  handleSubmit = async ev => {
    this.setState({ disabled: true, processing: true })
    const paymentMethodId = await this.handleCardSetup()
    if (paymentMethodId) return this.attachPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId)
  handleCardSetup = async () => {
    const payload = await this.handleCardSetupRef()
    if (payload.error) {
      console.log('Handle Card Setup error', payload.error)
      return this.setState({
        error: `Handle Card Setup failed: ${payload.error.message}`,
        disabled: false
    console.log('Setup intent', payload.setupIntent)
      message: `Setup succeeded! SetupIntent is in state: ${payload.setupIntent.status}`,
      error: null
    return payload.setupIntent.payment_method
  attachPaymentMethod = async paymentMethod => {
    // Email hard coded for demo!
    const attached = await api.attachPaymentMethod({
      email: '',
    console.log('Attached', attached)
      succeeded: true,
      error: null,
      message: `Subscription started!`

  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
          Use 4000002500003155 to test 3D secure.{' '}
          <a href="">More cards</a>.

        <Card getHandleCardSetupRef={ref => this.handleCardSetupRef = ref} />

        {this.state.error && <div key='error' className="error">{this.state.error}</div>}
        {this.state.message && <div key='message' className="message">{this.state.message}</div>}

        {!this.state.succeeded && (
          <button disabled={this.state.disabled}>
            {this.state.processing ? 'Processing…' : 'Start trial'}

4. Start subscription

We can use this payment method to create the subscription after we have attached it to the user.'/attach_payment_method', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const { email, paymentMethod: paymentMethodId } = req.body.options

    // Step 1
    // Get or create the stripe customer
    let customerId = database.loadCustomerId(email)
    if (!customerId) {
      const customer = await stripe.customers.create({ email })
      console.log('Created new customer', customer)
      customerId =
      // In production you should store the newly created customerId
      // on the user model in your DB
      database.storeCustomerId(email, customerId)

    // Step 2
    // Attach the payment method
    const paymentMethod = await stripe.paymentMethods.attach(paymentMethodId, {
      customer: customerId
    console.log('Attached Payment Method', paymentMethod)

    // Step 3
    // Create the subscription
    const subscription = await stripe.subscriptions.create({
      customer: customerId,
      tax_percent: 0,
    console.log('Created subscription', subscription)

    res.json({ subscription, paymentMethod })
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('SetupIntent err', err)


React Stripe Elements Subscription with SCA Starter

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 92.9%Language:CSS 3.6%Language:HTML 3.3%Language:Shell 0.2%