Generates ludicrous randomized text for functional testing, fuzz testing, or lorem ipsum-esque purposes.
This is more or less a direct PHP port of the Ruby Faker gem, which is more or less a direct port of the Perl Data::Faker from CPAN. Actually, it does a little more than that because I’m obsessive compulsive and possibly a little bit mad.
You can install Faker directly via the PEAR channel:
$ pear channel-discover
$ pear install faker/Faker-beta
If all went well, the Faker library is now in your PHP include path and a command line tool has been installed, providing a shortcut syntax for accessing the Faker API. Run the following to try it out:
$ faker
The Faker object itself is just a wrapper to hierarchically access the directory of fake objects and call methods on them to generate data.
The following Fake objects are installed by default:
- Address
- Color
- Company
- Internet
- Person
- Product
In development:
- Number
- Text
$ faker color.hex
$ faker
$ faker
$ faker product.price 100 200
Running these commands is equivalent to the following PHP:
require_once 'Faker.php';
$faker = new Faker();
echo $faker->color->hex;
echo $faker->person->name;
echo $faker->address->city;
echo $faker->product->price(100, 200);