metlock / jQuery-DatePlusTime-Picker

An extension to jQuery UI Datepicker adding time to the mix

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

jQuery DateplusTimePicker
Version 0.7
By Fernando San Julián
Copyright 2010-2011 Fernando San Julián
Dual Licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

== Description ==

The jQuery Dateplustimepicker is a highly configurable plugin that extends datepicker
adding time functionality.

== Requirements ==

jQuery UI Core
jQuery UI Datepicker
jQuery UI Slider

== Usage ==

In demo folder you can find an html file with several demos and a complete documention.

== Changelog ==

version 0.7
Fixed hour changes sometimes when sliding minutes

version 0.6
Fixed german translation by gogolok
Fixed disable option not working on time sliders
Fixed error on select date in datepickers

version 0.5
Changed minor change on events code.
Fixed not working correctly with newer jQuery 1.6.2+

version 0.4
Updated documentation.
Added from_picker parameter to on change events.
Added onTimeChangeStop and onDateTimeChangeStop events.
Added onTimeChange and onDateTimeChange events.

version 0.3
Fixed initialize alt fields for inline pickers.
Fixed error in timeFormat documentation
Fixed error in step documentation

version 0.2
Improved demo page
Improved set options
Improved keyup event

version 0.1
Initial dateplustimepicker.


An extension to jQuery UI Datepicker adding time to the mix