meticulousfan / stripe-react-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a quick and easy demonstration of how to include payments in your MERN app. We use Stripe to handle the payments, and specifically the stripe elements smart UI components. This example only uses test keys, but to make live transactions all you need to do is activate your stripe account and switch out the appropriate keys.

This app was bootstrapped with create-react-app, and depends on react, express, react-bootstrap, axios, and stripe.

Steps to run this demo

  1. Clone or dowload the repository

  2. Open your terminal and run npm install at the project root

  3. Sign up for Stripe and log intot he dasboard here

  4. Click the dropdown menu at the top left of the dashboard and create a new account

  5. After creating your account copy over your keys into the code:

    In server.js copy your secret key into line 9

       const stripe = require('str')('YOUR STRIPE SECRET KEY');

    Then do the same with your public key on line 21 of App.js

               stripe: "YOUR STRIPE PUBLIC KEY HERE"
  6. Run node server/server.js to start the development server

  7. Run npm run start to start the react client

  8. Visit http://localhost:3000 to check out the demo

  9. For any credit card transactions made with the test keys, use the number 4242 4242 4242 4242 with any CCV, expiration date, and zip

  10. Check out your transactions under "payments" in the stripe dashboard!



Language:JavaScript 82.3%Language:CSS 10.9%Language:HTML 6.8%