merkleID / covid-domains

List of covid-related domains who contains malware/spam to use with your dns daemon

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Covid-related malware/spam domains list

COVID19/coronavirus malware/spam domains dns-blacklist to use with BIND, Unbound, dnsmasq.

It's up to the dns-admin to properly install those lists and configure his own dns resolver.

File is for general purpose, usually Unbound.

File full-domains-list.txt can be used with Pi-Hole just by adding

to /etc/pihole/adlist.list


Original files lists:

A simple bash-script that parses and create different outputs for covid-related spam-domains lists. The bash-script parses the files and then outputs to respective dns-daemons zone-file formats.

01-apr-2020 (no April Fool): ADDED EXCLUSION LIST

If you feel your domain/s shouldn't be included in this list, just open an issue here or drop me a line to:

luca AT merkle DOT id

Crontab updates every 30 mins. Current number of listed domains: 104808


List of covid-related domains who contains malware/spam to use with your dns daemon