merc1er / bchtipbot

Telegram Bitcoin Cash Tipping Bot

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.commerc1er/bchtipbotRepository from Github https://github.commerc1er/bchtipbot

Bitcoin Cash Telegram tipping bot

tests CodeFactor

📱 Usage

Simply open and talk to the bot.

List of commands

/start - Starts the bot
/deposit - Displays your Bitcoin Cash address for top up
/balance - Shows your balance in Bitcoin Cash
/withdraw - Withdraw your funds. Usage: /withdraw amount|all address
/help - Lists all commands
/tip - Sends a tip. Usage: /tip amount [@username]

Note that you can also tip satoshis with, for example: /tip 2000 satoshi @merc1er.

/price - Displays the current price of Bitcoin Cash. Usage: /price [currency_code]

For example: /price (defaults to USD), /price eur, price BTC and so on.

⚙️ Run development server

Run the following commands:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
python3 tipbot/

Credentials and API keys are stored in environment variables (recommended) or in (not recommended for production).

Run tests

Simply do:


Or, if you want to check coverage, do:

pip install coverage  # if you don't have it already
coverage run -m unittest
coverage html

then open the htmlcov/index.html page in a browser.


This project uses black Python code formatter. Use the following command to format your code:

black .
Customize the bot

⚠️ Add the following environment variables:

FEE_ADDRESS  # the Bitcoin Cash address where you want to collect the fees
FEE_PERCENTAGE  # how much fee you want to charge per tip (over $1)
TOKEN  # is the Telegram API token for the development bot (not for prod)
ADMIN_LIST  # you may add your Telegram username to the list to use the admin commands

🚀 Deployment

Deployments are automatic on master if tests pass.

To deploy your own bot, add the environment variables found in the section above (⚠️) and read this page.

To do

  • Reply with stickers
  • Queues with Celery/rq
  • Implement more tests
  • Allow users without a username to use the bot
  • Sometimes the bot doesn't get triggered with the /tip command while not admin


Telegram Bitcoin Cash Tipping Bot


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Procfile 0.1%