This is the backend of Central Hotel Reservation system.
In order to collaborate or use this project, you should fulfill the following pre requests
- Node - version >= 10.15.1
- You can download from here
- Mongo db - download or install mongo db
- Refer this manual relevant to you operating system
- Git
- Download Git for your OS from here.
- An editor of your choice.
- First, clone the project
git clone
- Then, navigate to the project directory
cd chrs-api
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Finally, start the server
node index.js
For any task or feature you are given, you must create a test suit in /test directory. use(run) the following in terminal in order to run your test
npm test
To make it easy understanding between collaborators and maintain a quality code, thefollowing are guidelines to be followed.
- Variables: variable names should start with small letter or cammel case if more than one word
- Comments
- Use multiline comment to provide a long description about a collection of snippnet that have common use or a functional unit.
- Use single line comment to provide short description about the subsequent code
- Example
/** * Handles the user management tasks */ module.exports = { // user registration registerUser: (req, res){ } // log in login: (req, res){ } }
- The first line of each file should start with multiline comment describing what the code in the file is about(Optional)
- Don't leave a new line between single line comment and the code it descripes
- don't
// use body parser middleware and parse request body to json app.use(bodyParser.json());
- do
// use body parser middleware and parse request body to json app.use(bodyParser.json());
- don't
- Don't leave a new line between a multi line comment and the code block if there is no
single line comment.
- don't
/** * importing custom libraries (part of project code) */ const constants = require('./utils/constants'); const JwtStrategy = require('./authentication/strategies/jwtStrategy');
- do
/** * importing custom libraries (part of project code) */ const constants = require('./utils/constants'); const JwtStrategy = require('./authentication/strategies/jwtStrategy');
- Leave a new line between two code blocks and a new multiline comment
- Don't leave a new line between single line comment and the code it descripes
- work on your own branch with a task or feature you are assigned to
- you should create unit test for what you did
- ask for pull request once you are done
- Your commit message should reflect exactely what you did
- The first word should show the main change or task done some thing like Feature, Fixing, Refactor, configuration and so on
- if i add a new feature called "Customer registration", my commit message should look like
[Feature] Added Customer registration
- if i add a new feature called "Customer registration", my commit message should look like
- If you have completed more than one feature or main changes, start the above pattern in a new line