menyf / CacheSimulator

Duke ECE550 18Fall Lab4

Repository from Github https://github.commenyf/CacheSimulatorRepository from Github https://github.commenyf/CacheSimulator



This project is for Duke ECE550 18fall, the requirements available at Lab4.pdf and Testing Specification

This project is developed by the following people

It simulates Cache functions and also calculate the rate of hit and miss.

This version only implements LRU policy. RND policy and other policies should be developed further.


Several parameter should be assigned in simulator.cpp.

The result of simulation:

~/Developer/CacheSimulator $ ./myCacheSimulator
Input ABC(a b c) for instruction cache: 1 64 8192
Input ABC(a b c) for data cache: 4 64 16384
Input ABC(a b c) for instruction cache: 8 64 32768
Input ABC(a b c) for data cache: 16 64 65536
Filename: DineroFull.din
Level 1 mode: split, write alloc
Level 1 Instruction Cache:
Metrics                     Total           Instrn                  Data           Read           Write            Misc
------                      -----           ------                  ----           ----           -----            ----
Demand Fetches            5689552          5689552                     0              0               0               0
 Fraction of total         1.0000           1.0000                0.0000         0.0000          0.0000          0.0000

Demand Misses                 155              155                     0              0               0               0
 Demand Misses rate        0.0000           0.0000                0.0000         0.0000          0.0000          0.0000
  Compulsory misses           144              144                     0              0               0               0
  Capacity misses               1                1                     0              0               0               0
  Conflict misses              10               10                     0              0               0               0

Level 1 Data Cache:
Metrics                     Total           Instrn                  Data           Read           Write            Misc
------                      -----           ------                  ----           ----           -----            ----
Demand Fetches            1769119                0               1769119        1145629          623490               0
 Fraction of total         1.0000           0.0000                1.0000         0.6476          0.3524          0.0000

Demand Misses               38082                0                 38082          34968            3114               0
 Demand Misses rate        0.0215           0.0000                0.0215         0.0305          0.0050          0.0000
  Compulsory misses          1797                0                  1797            142            1655               0
  Capacity misses           29261                0                 29261          27815            1446               0
  Conflict misses            7024                0                  7024           7011              13               0
Level 2 mode: split, write alloc
Level 2 Instruction Cache:
Metrics                     Total           Instrn                  Data           Read           Write            Misc
------                      -----           ------                  ----           ----           -----            ----
Demand Fetches                155              155                     0              0               0               0
 Fraction of total         1.0000           1.0000                0.0000         0.0000          0.0000          0.0000

Demand Misses                 144              144                     0              0               0               0
 Demand Misses rate        0.9290           0.9290                0.0000         0.0000          0.0000          0.0000
  Compulsory misses           144              144                     0              0               0               0
  Capacity misses               0                0                     0              0               0               0
  Conflict misses               0                0                     0              0               0               0

Level 2 Data Cache:
Metrics                     Total           Instrn                  Data           Read           Write            Misc
------                      -----           ------                  ----           ----           -----            ----
Demand Fetches              41181                0                 41181          38082            3099               0
 Fraction of total         1.0000           0.0000                1.0000         0.9247          0.0753          0.0000

Demand Misses                3857                0                  3857           3849               8               0
 Demand Misses rate        0.0937           0.0000                0.0937         0.1011          0.0026          0.0000
  Compulsory misses          1797                0                  1797           1797               0               0
  Capacity misses            1712                0                  1712           1706               6               0
  Conflict misses             348                0                   348            346               2               0


Duke ECE550 18Fall Lab4


Language:C++ 98.8%Language:Makefile 1.2%