menuka94 / omniscient

A collection of scripts for distributed resource monitoring.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A collection of scripts to facilitate distributed resource monitoring.



Configuration is performed by editing the files in the 'etc' directory. The files in this directory are:

  1. config.txt: This is a simple bash script used to provide easy modification of some variables. In particular, this script configures nmon and nvidia-smi capture metrics and snapshot intervals.
  2. hosts.txt: A file containing cluster host information. Each line is a "ip_address log_directory" pair.


Once configuration is complete the initialization phase is performed using a single command.

# initialize the system
./omin init

This command performs a sequence of events. (1) Attempts to identify the 'nmon' command in the path. If it doesn't exist, it attempts to download a binary for the given distribution. (2) Ensures the 'nvidia-smi' command is available on the system. If not, the initialize step fails. (3) Creates the log directories specified in the configuration on each cluster host.


start / stop monitor

Starting and stopping monitors is performed by contacted each node defined in the configuration. Both the nmon and nvidia-smi monitors are handled with a single call.

# start monitors based on configuration
./omni start

# stop the monitor with id 'rammerd-20200720-214623'
./omni stop rammerd-20200720-214623

list monitors

Listing all available monitors is performed with this command. The output format is 'host : monitor-id : nmon-status : nvidia-smi-status : nmon-size : nvidia-smi-size'.

# list all cluster monitors
./omni list

collect monitors

Analysis over monitor data requires a sequence of manipulation and aggregation. The 'collect' command transforms data to a common format, downloads it to the specified directory, and aggregates values from each cluster host. The results are stored in multiple files:

  • *.nmon.csv: csv formatted nmon output for each individual host

  • *.nvidia: csv formatted nvidia-smi output for each individual host

  • aggregate.nmon.csv: aggregated nmon csv files

    collect monitors with id 'rammerd-20200720-214623'

    in the 'data' directory

    ./omni collect rammerd-20200720-214623 data/

remove monitor

Monitors may be deleted using the 'remove' command. Be sure to stop a monitor before it is removed, less it will execute indefinitely unless manually stopped.

# remove monitor with id 'rammerd-20200720-214623'
./omni remove rammerd-20200720-214623'

Graph collected results

  • ./omni graph directory


ssh public key authentication



  • 'collect' - combine nvidia host monitor files
  • finish 'TIPS' documentation
  • 'remove' - test if monitor is running


A collection of scripts for distributed resource monitoring.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.1%Language:Python 2.8%Language:Shell 2.1%