mentalilll / ha-vpd-chart

VPD Chart for Homeassistant

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HaVpdChart for Home Assistant

HaVpdChart Image

HaVpdChart Image

HaVpdChart Image

HaVpdChart is a custom card component for Home Assistant that allows for visual representations of VPD (Vapour Pressure Deficit) based on temperature and humidity sensors. It's ideal for monitoring environmental conditions in tents or rooms.


  • Home Assistant installation
  • Basic knowledge of YAML and Home Assistant configuration


HACS Easy Installation

  1. Currently not available - still wait for accept pull request

HACS Installation

  1. Add Repository

    Click HACS -> Three Dot Menu upper right -> Custom Repository -> Category: Lovelace | Repositury Url:

  2. Install Plugin

    Search for VPD within Integrations and install ha-vpd-chart

From GitHub

  1. Clone the repository or download the JS file

    First, you need to download the JavaScript file ha-vpd-chart.js from GitHub or clone the entire repository.

  2. Incorporate the file into Home Assistant

    Copy ha-vpd-chart.js into your www directory of Home Assistant, typically located at <config>/www/.

  3. Add the resource in Home Assistant

    Add the resource to your configuration.yaml or through the Home Assistant UI under Configuration -> Lovelace Dashboards -> Resources:

        - url: /local/ha-vpd-chart.js
          type: module

    Note: After adding the resource, you may need to restart Home Assistant.

Follow the steps above to store the file locally and include it as a resource.


Easy start as Chart View:

type: custom:ha-vpd-chart
  - temperature: sensor.temperature_2
    humidity: sensor.humidity_2
    name: Tent 1
  - temperature: sensor.temperature_tent_2
    humidity: sensor.humidity_tent_2
    name: Tent 2

Easy start as Bar View:

type: custom:ha-vpd-chart
is_bar_view: true
  - temperature: sensor.temperature_2
    humidity: sensor.humidity_2
    name: Tent 1
  - temperature: sensor.temperature_tent_2
    humidity: sensor.humidity_tent_2
    name: Tent 2

To use the HaVpdChart in your Lovelace dashboard, add the following configuration to your dashboard. Adjust the sensors and other options according to your setup:

type: custom:ha-vpd-chart
air_text: Temp. #optional "" for Empty
rh_text: r.H. #optional "" for Empty
min_temperature: 5 #optional
max_temperature: 35 #optional
min_humidity: 10 #optional
max_humidity: 100 #optional
min_height: 200 #optional (minimum height of the chart as px)
is_bar_view: true #optional
enable_tooltip: true #optional
enable_axes: true #optional
enable_ghostmap: true #optional
enable_triangle: false #optional
enable_crosshair: true #optional
  - temperature: sensor.temperature_2
    humidity: sensor.humidity_2
    leaf_temperature: sensor.infrared_sensor #optional
    name: Tent 1
  - temperature: sensor.temperature_tent_2
    humidity: sensor.humidity_tent_2
    vpd: sensor.vpd #optional
    name: Tent 2
vpd_phases: #optional
  - upper: 0.0
    className: gray-danger-zone
    color: #999999
  - lower: 0.0
    upper: 0.4
    className: under-transpiration
    color: #0000FF
  - lower: 0.4
    upper: 0.8
    className: early-veg
  - lower: 0.8
    upper: 1.2
    className: late-veg
  - lower: 1.2
    upper: 1.6
    className: mid-late-flower
  - lower: 1.6
    className: danger-zone
calculateVPD: |2-
          const VPleaf = 610.7 * Math.exp(17.27 * Tleaf / (Tleaf + 237.3)) / 1000; 
          const VPair = 610.7 * Math.exp(17.27 * Tair / (Tair + 237.3)) / 1000 * RH / 100;
          return VPleaf - VPair;

Configuration Parameters

Name Type Required Default Description
type string required Must be custom:ha-vpd-chart.
air_text string optional Air The text used for temperature readings. Default is "Air".
rh_text string optional RH The text used for humidity readings. Default is "RH".
kpa_text string optional kPa The text used for kPa readings. Default is "kPa".
min_temperature number optional 5 Minimum temperature in the chart. Default is 5.
min_humidity number optional 10 Minimum humidity in the chart. Default is 10.
max_temperature number optional 35 Maximum temperature in the chart. Default is 35.
max_humidity number optional 90 Maximum humidity in the chart. Default is 90.
min_height number optional 200 Minimum height of the chart as px. Default is 200.
leaf_temperature_offset number optional 2 Sets the Temperature Offset of the Leaf
sensors list required A list of sensors with their temperature and humidity entity IDs, and an optional name for display.
vpd_phases list optional See description A list of VPD phases and their classes for visual representation. See below for defaults.
enable_tooltip boolean optional true Tooltip enabled by default.
is_bar_view boolean optional false Second view of this chart for fast information of sensors
enable_axes boolean optional true Enable Axes on the Chart
enable_ghostmap boolean optional true Enable Ghostmap on the Chart
enable_triangle boolean optional true Enable Triangle instead of Circle for tooltip marker
enable_crosshair boolean optional true Enable MouseHover Crosshair
calculateVPD string optional See description Custom function to calculate VPD.

Default vpd_phases Configuration:

  • under-transpiration: VPD < 0.4
  • early-veg: 0.4 ≤ VPD < 0.8
  • late-veg: 0.8 ≤ VPD < 1.2
  • mid-late-flower: 1.2 ≤ VPD < 1.6
  • danger-zone: VPD ≥ 1.6


VPD Chart for Homeassistant