meneerhenk / Firmware

Embedded software (firmware) for the laser system and components, including configuration files

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Embedded software (firmware) for the laser system and components, including configuration files.

Build setup, using MBED library sources (No GCC4MBED requried):

--> for now, this only works in the mbed-gcc branch <--

  • Get your compiler here: (or use the one that comes with your distribution: apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi )
  • Download LaosLaser source: ``` git clone -b mbed-gcc ```
  • Download mbed libraries (latest version) ``` cd Firmware git clone ```
  • Patch mbed libraries: ``` cd mbed/ patch -p1 < ../laser/mbed.patch ```
  • Set your GCC path in Firmware/mbed/workspace_tools/, for example: ``` GCC_ARM_PATH = "/usr/bin/" ```
  • Build MBED libraries: ``` python workspace_tools/ -m LPC1768 -t GCC_ARM -r -e -u -c ```
  • Link LaOSlaser as an mbed example project ``` cd Firmware/mbed/libraries/tests/net/protocols/ ln -s ../../../../../laser . ```
  • Build LaosLaser: ``` cd Firmware/mbed python workspace_tools/ -m LPC1768 -t GCC_ARM -n laser ```
  • Read for more info


Embedded software (firmware) for the laser system and components, including configuration files


Language:C 50.1%Language:C++ 49.9%