mendhak / trivy-template-output-to-sonarqube

Attempt at getting a Trivy output into Sonarqube's generic issue format

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A custom template that Trivy can use, to generate a Sonarqube friendly output. It is based on the Sonarqube Generic Issue Import Format.


Start the Sonarqube server locally.

docker-compose up

Do the first time setup in Sonarqube - reset your admin password, create a project called test, generate a key for that project.

Create a normal Trivy HTML output

docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
                -v ${PWD}/trivy-cache/:/root/.cache/ \
                -v ${PWD}/trivy-output:/output \
                aquasec/trivy image --exit-code 1 --no-progress \
                --format template --template "@contrib/html.tpl" -o /output/report.html \

A report.html appears in trivy-output. You can use this for comparison purposes.

Create a custom Sonarqube JSON output

This step will use the sonarqube.tpl as a template:

docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
                -v ${PWD}/trivy-cache/:/root/.cache/ \
                -v ${PWD}/sonarqube.tpl:/input/sonarqube.tpl \
                -v ${PWD}/trivy-output:/output aquasec/trivy \
                image --exit-code 1 --no-progress \
                --format template --template "@/input/sonarqube.tpl" \
                -o /output/report.json \

A report.json appears in trivy-output.

Send the generated report to Sonarqube

Finally you can send the generated report.json to Sonarqube using Sonar Scanner CLI. Substitute the SONAR_LOGIN value below with your project's token.

docker run --rm \
           -e SONAR_HOST_URL=http://host.docker.internal:9000 \
           -e SONAR_LOGIN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
           -v ${PWD}:/usr/src sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli \
           -Dsonar.projectKey=test \

Go to the Sonarqube test project and look for the vulnerabilities there.




RuleID is hardcoded to ContainerScanning. What should it be instead?

I couldn't find a good place to put the 'fixed' version in. The message field is already crowded.

I can't find a way to add more details in the Generic Issue Import JSON format. See:

no details

I've also posted a feature request on the Sonarsource Community forum.


Attempt at getting a Trivy output into Sonarqube's generic issue format


Language:Smarty 65.9%Language:Dockerfile 34.1%