B4BSTATS is an online tool centered around Back 4 Blood game to track your progress through campaigns and display your statistics.
To install project locally, make sure to have NodeJs (version 16.14.0 at least) and Yarn (version 1.22.17 at least) installed.
- Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:Mazzzoni/b4bstats.git
- Enter project
cd b4bstats/
- Install dependencies
- Start dev environment
yarn dev
Locally via node:
# Install dependencies
# Serve dev
yarn dev
# Build and export to static files
yarn export
Via Docker Compose:
docker compose up --build
Created by Mazzoni. (email: hello@mazz.lol / discord: @mazz#0385) Thanks to r/Back4Blood/ and Turtle Rock Studios for their support and contributions.